Whales here, like those degenerate hoarders in the rest of the world, hide away their wealth; vanishing it out of circulation and depriving us all.

Well, not any more, my friends. Their time is over, and ours is just beginning.
Equalitycoin is an exciting first step in repairing the concept of money, and I'm just giddy to share it with you all.
Here's how it works.
Once a week, the total supply of equalitycoins is redistributed evenly amongst all wallet holders; and anyone can be a wallet holder, so billions of people can be lifted from grinding poverty just by opening a free wallet.
No matter how much or how little an individual wallet contains on Sunday night, by Monday morning, they'll all be equal again.
As the total number of wallets increases, the number of equalitycoins delivered weekly to each wallet will decrease, making them more rare and driving up their value.
Having more snouts in the trough will grow the trough.
It's so simple, yet it took a genius to bring it to life.
You are incredibly fortunate to be my followers, and have this once in a lifetime opportunity to invest now, and secure a huge stack of equalitycoins really cheap, before they head to the moon.
Those unfairly blessed with the wisdom and foresight to save (hoard) their coins will have no secret off shore accounts to run to, no creative accounting will spare them their obligations to the rest of us.
Their excessive balances will be trimmed right down, time and time again.
Eventually they'll stop even trying to furtively stash their unequal share.
You can't hide equalitycoins; they live on the public blockchain.Those less fortunate; not born with the self discipline or talent to limit their spending, or work hard to earn more equalitycoins, can rest easy.
Just by gracing us with their presence they'll enjoy an equal seat at the table.
They might find they're running low toward the end of the week, but come Monday morning everything will be made right, just and fair all over again.
I expect a lot of resistance from the old guard, because it will destroy their business model and deliver safety, certainty and dignity to the masses, but I'm determined to forge on, for the sake of future generations, of children.

I know the ICO will be huge, with a lot of fiat currency, bitcoin and steem pouring into equalitycoin over the first 6 days; so many people have told me how important equality is, and how they despise wealth disparity, and I'm confident these same people have both the means and the desire to make a substantial investment in the future of money.
Get in quick, and strap yourself in

*equalitycoin is completely ready to launch, except for all the coding. If you know how to do that, please get in touch with me and I'll look the other way when you open a few extra wallets. (Some are more equal than others, wink wink)
Well...I'm in! I don't have a lot of money so this would be great for me!
I'll buy the lot! ;)
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Great :)
Now we just have to find some poor sucker to do all the computery stuff and we're set.
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Come now, we could always give some incentive to the poor sod doing all the work... what's the line? All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
How about we promise them a bit extra in their equal share?
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Equalitycoin sucks.
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Yes. Yes it does.
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Count me out thanks Matt as this new coin of yours is certain to fail.
The highly intelligent folk on the left will soon work out that this 'equality coin' of yours does not compensate for 200 year old injustices, nor does it provide special dispensation to the non-privileged.
But as always Matt - love your work!
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If you really cared about society you'd be all over this.
You're not one of those rugged individualist who values their objective logic above my subjective feels are you?
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Wait wait wait. Why would I invest in this coin. You mean everyone gets a piece of the pie. Well I'll just let everyone else invest in the ICO and then take my piece without actually doing any work or investing any money.
Then I will spend all my tokens and hold out my hand until once again all the coins are redistributed. Then I will complain because I don't have more than everyone else for doing less or that I can't negatively spend said coins and increase my debt so that others can bail me out.
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But that's the beauty of it.
You don't need to complain; everything evens out again automatically every Sunday night.
You don't need to whine or threaten, you just have to wait.
If it turns out that people are suffering with the 7 day period, I can always shorten it to 3 days or even 1.
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Is this satire?
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Oh you got me... I was thinking, 'Who the hell is going to invest in this?'
I read a little further on and I thought, 'This has GOT to be satire!'
Thank goodness!
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It's a difficult line to walk. Glad to get that reaction :)
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I'm glad I read to the end and didn't just dismiss it with 'PFFFT!' ;)
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I'm sure many will.
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Their loss ;)
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leo after it

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Oh, this is definitely not a scamcoin! I'm not in!
If we could figger out some way to base it on debt, instead of nothing, then I might be interested. But only if I could lend it out at interest.
This just isn't fair enough to those of us that have never figgered out how to use wallets!
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Ah, the communist crypto! If only I could code, then I could be the more equal one. 😉
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I am no rocket scientist here but i might have missed something.
What reason would i have to buy myself these coins. I just open a wallet and the next week i get a equal split of the coins? And you stated all coins wil be distributed evenly.
And in essence the coin wil have no value, as it is reset every 7 days.
Love the concept but i think you wil need to think about the execution.
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If people are too stupid or greedy to contribute, we'll just have to make it mandatory :)
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Stil the same issue is there,what value wil the coin have?
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If we're forcing people to buy it, we can set the price wherever we want.
No need to get greedy though.
We'll just estimate what a noble, hard-working civic minded citizen would pay and charge that much.
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Sounds a lot like communism. It will work if everyone is not greedy and just wants to contribute
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I think you missed the point.
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Informative comment
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It's kind of like time. Each Monday morning, everyone gets the same amount of time in the week ahead, regardless of how they used their time in the previous one. Genius idea to translate it into a coin.
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Love the post @mattclarke ! Since the introduction of SMT's it's been awesome to read all the ideas people have created with it. One day, one day, this will all become a reality. Did you hear Dubai just released their own alt coin?
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If this is the only Smart Media Token I'll ever need....
Then this token is more equal than others.
Just my two STEEMS Worth.

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You are right STM applications will have a fruitful impact on our activities and we will have to achieve more success. Thank you @mattclarke
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Who will buy those if they get redistributed on the Mondays? We all have same hours in a day and same days in a week but still we are not equal in our output.
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I assume they'll be hotly sought out by those who publicly, enthusiastically call for wealth redistribution via taxation. Those who say, 'I'm happy to pay taxes for public schools' now have the option to move all of their wealth into the fairest, most equitable currency that has ever existed. Exciting times :)
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This still needs a lot of debates and discussions. It may seem that much feasible on papers but in real life it will be a lot challenging. BTW thanx for sharing your thoughts.
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You're a very kind person, but this is clearly a terrible, terrible idea, which nobody would buy into.
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Thankyou my friend for sharing. . I like your post @mattclarke
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Hey @mattclarke
No more words.....
My dear friend....
Wel done and perfect work...
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