SMTs: My Email To Joe D At Metsmerizedonline.comsteemCreated with Sketch.

in smt •  7 years ago 

I decided to email the administrator of a blog I frequented for a number of years. This place has over 20,000 loyal readers and commenters. Personally, I feel this is the ideal situation for a token.

Below is the email that I sent to him in hopes of getting him to look closer at SMTs.

Hi Joe.

There is something that I want to bring to your attention that I really think you need to take a look at. This is going to revolutionize Metsmerizedonline. Personally, I believe you can take a look at it now or in 18 months when everyone is doing it.

There is no doubt that you have assembled the best Met writers and content creators anywhere. I would go so far as to say they surpass the beat writers with their content and dedication. That said, I feel it is unjust that their talents go unrewarded. At the same time, your efforts also go without compensation due to the present economic system of blogging.

That is all changing. Please take a quick look at Notice the payouts that many of the authors on there are receiving. Do you not think that Michael Meyer deserves $50 or $75 for the articles he writes? How about Dillip and all the other writers on your site? How about you being rewarded for the hours you put in? There is a new paradigm that is entering the content creation world and it is something that will further separate Metsmerizedonline from any other Mets community.

I would suggest you have your IT people look at the information I provided below. It is a way for you to reward both your writers and the people who comment on your site.

Over the past 6 years I posted 55,000 comments on your site according to Disqus. Over the next 6 years, I will probably post near the same. The difference is that the next 55,000, I would like to earn 5-10 cents a comment, something I am sure others would like to do also. And that is now possible.

I bring this to your attention because I love Metsmerizedonline and want to see it become even a better place. With this new paradigm, you will be able to further usurp him on Metsblog who shall remain nameless. Once again, he will be playing catch up…something that I surmise he will never be able to do.

If you have any question, have someone sign up for and contact @ned. He is the one in these videos who can help you set this up along with his developers.

Thanks for your time…here are the links. TM4450

I feel we all can do our part to increase the value of the steem blockchain. Getting a site like his, at this point, would really add a lot more commenting on this blockchain and, eventually, to the value of steem.

Please try to get this in the hands of the right people. If anyone reading this knows @ned or the development team, make sure they see this....I believe this is a grand opportunity for all involved.

Thanks for your time and please give this an upvote

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I think thats a great idea to get established groups to see how much potential there is on steemit. Personally I expect SMTs to revolutionise online posting and blogging. I think that 6 years from now we will be operating on a totally different online landscape and the people who are early adapters will have a huge atvantage.

Completely agree.

I think we will see people with 25-50 streams of income over the next decade. People will be making money doing what they normally do online except, unlike now, getting paid for it. I think it is safe to say everyone on here who posts somewhat regularly made more money than they did on any other social media site. And we are just getting started.

In the end, we are going to be paid for watching ads, listening to music, doing searches, posting, commenting, watching tv, hell even watching porn.

The entire social media world is changing and we have a front row seat.

I think is great to receive some pennies for the comment and time we put on those online platforms.

I agree 100%. It does not seem like much but when you consider how it all adds up.

Because I powered up, I am not getting between 30 and 40 cents a day in curation which is nothing more than me upvoting posts I like. While that doesnt sound like much, it is about $100 a year. Again, not making me rich but that is $100 more than I got off any other site.