5 Most Serious Snakes in Indonesia

in snake •  7 years ago 

Snakes are the most poisonous vultures feared by some. It does not take long for Snake to kill prey, with just one bite can kill a human. In Indonesia itself Snakes are very much encountered in the area of ​​paddy fields, mountains and even around our homes.
Here are 2 types of venomous snakes in Indonesia.

  1. Auction or Weling Snake
    This snake has a color with black and yellow lines and some are white. Snake Wenang is very active in searching its prey at night. If we are bitten by the snake Welang effect we feel weak and sleepy, But never you sleep because it can cause death because this snake is very poisonous. This snake can have a length of 3 meters and the most favored food by this snake is a frog and mouse.
    This type of snake is one of the most dangerous snakes in Indonesia. In its own English the snake is called Pit Viber and in some areas it is called Oray Gibung Snake, Edor and Snake Bedor. This snake is very aggressive and very likely to bite humans without animation. The length of the Snake itself reaches 1 meter This snake is very rarely seen walking around us because the snake chose to hide in the ground and in the tree.
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