Benefits And The Benefits Of An Incredible Fish For Health

in snake •  7 years ago 

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Benefits And The Benefits Of An Incredible Fish For Health
The benefits of cork fish for health have become quite controversial lately, after many studies have proven that it contains the highest proteinin albumin than any other fish species. And unsparing this benefit is very good for children, adults and even pregnant women. To find out more information, you can listen to the following information.

The Benefits Of The Incredible Fish Chili For Health The fish (Channa Striata) is one of the freshwater fish species, which we can find in Indonesian waters such as rivers, lakes, swamps and even rice fields. Its easy-to-find habitat with abundant nutritional content makes it popular in and around the community. Even at this time, not a few also from the community that cultivate this one fish with a high market price of Rp. 60,000- Rp. 70,000 / kg.

In some areas of Indonesia these fish have different calls, just as in the island of Java this fish is called bogo fish. Because of its large shape to have a length of 1 meter. In addition, this fish is also often called the fish curse, and others.

When viewed at a glance, the cork has a shape like a catfish. Even this can survive on the ground in a long time, because the cork itself in the know can breathe directly with the outside air. But what distinguishes it own cork fish has no mustache and the color is not too dark like that found in catfish.

In addition to its easy to find habitat, the popularity of cork fish is also increasingly peaked after it is known in it contains a lot of nutrients and compounds that are good for health and beauty. This fish itself is known as a fish that has the highest protein albumin compared with other fish species such as catfish, milkfish, carp, tilapia and others.

What is albumin?
Albumin is the main protein found in human blood. The main function of this protein produced by the liver is to regulate the osmotic pressure contained in the blood, keeping the fluid balance in the body up as a carrier of various nutrients as well as hormones.

Balance of albumin in the body itself is needed to keep the fluid contained in the blood does not leak into body tissues that can be fatal. Even if low albumin levels can indicate a number of health problems such as inflammation, liver disease, malnutrition, nephritis syndrome, colitis to celiac disease.

As for anticipating the danger of lack of albumin, you can eat foods that contain high albumin sources such as cork fish. Even not only albumin, there are many other fish cork content that you can see in the following table.

Chemical components Fresh fish cork fish cork
Calories (cal) 69 24
Protein (g) 25.2 58.0
Fat (g) 1.7 4.0
Iron (mg) 0.9 0.7
Calcium (mg) 62 15
Phosphorus (mg) 176 100
Vitamin A (SI) 150 100
Vitamin B1 (mg) 0.04 0.10
Water (g) 69 24
BDD (%) 64 80

  • Source: Sediaoetama, 1985

Well, from a variety of compounds and nutrients are not surprising if the fish are often called the fish curse is a variety of properties that are quite abundant and complete for both the health of the body, children and pregnant women.

Benefits and benefits of extraordinary cork for health as a whole
the benefits of cork fish Here is the benefits of fish cork for health as a whole you should know.

  1. Increase body albumin

As has been mentioned before, that the benefits of cork is a source of albumin protein is high enough, so it can help increase levels of albumin in the blood.

  1. Helps muscle formation and growth

Protein content contained in cork in the know is higher in bandinkan catfish, chicken and beef. As for it tentunta profitable for you because much help in the process of muscle formation in your body.

  1. Accelerate wound healing

Cork fish meat rich in albumin protein content also has an important role in the healing process of the body wounds, especially scarring and caesarean section. The content is able to help the formation of new cells and tissues in parts of the body that have been damaged by surgery and others.

  1. Maintain fluid balance in the body

Albumin substances are also known to function in maintaining the stability of fluid regulation in the body. If your body has a lack of fluid, then the protein that enters the body will break and can not function normally.

  1. Healthful digestion

Not only delicious to eat, fish that have a structure that is more tender meat is healthy for consumption without worrying about digestion because

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