Don't you forget about me - She - Short Story Serie - Part I

in sndbox •  6 years ago  (edited)

There she was, at the airport, with a poster in hand that said "Welcome", anxious to the bone because finally will see him, for the first time in all the time they had known, these cravings, triggered a lot of memories that began to fill her mind.

When they met on that website, being just two strangers who shared a taste for writing; Even if she forced herself to remember, she could not get to that moment of how they had exchanged Skype - since a number was still very personal-; everything happened very fast, in less than two weeks they already had something and in less than a month they were dating. - At a distance - despite living at one hour one of the other, seeing became something very complicated.

A couple of months later, something happened, she didn’t know what, but he was not the one she had fallen in love with, they ended up, her heart broke, she spent months without being able to even be near a man. But eventually, she began to move forward with her life again, and as if it were prophetic, he returned. He just came back to give her, his reasons for separation, he didn’t treat her as before, they didn’t return, but she was still in love. And so it disappeared again.

It had been over a year since they had met. On the first of January he wrote to her, "I have been dreaming you for four days, are you okay?", he tried to be tough but fell back into that love that vitiated and you know what happened, a couple of months later he disappeared again.

They spent months on that come and go, even though they were with other people, their love always remained there, they never saw each other. She left the country having talked with him, having enjoyed months before a relationship without a name where both loved each other unconditionally, as at the beginning; she knew that he loved her, he knew that she loved him, of that there was never any doubt for either of them. He told her that he would also leave, at distance, she supported him, helped him to get out of all the problems that tormented him.

They had spoken little, very little these last weeks, but she knew that day would come and even though he had not asked her to look for him, she went, there she was waiting for him. With a smile on his face, trembling from his head to his feet. At last, she would see him, for the first time, she would see him, "how romantic" she thought "our first kiss will be at an airport, after 3 years I will finally kiss him".

And so he appeared, he went through the door, black hair, white complexion, those reddish lips - she always thought she looked snow white but in a man version - and she started to tremble, even more, to cry. He saw her, but he did not seem equally excited, perhaps surprised. She kept her poster up for him.

He approached her and she could not help it and hugged him even with the poster in her hands. He returned the hug but not with the same emotion she expected. They stood there a few minutes until he separated her, and without a smile on his face and looking into her eyes he said.

I do not love you anymore.

Her eyes filled with tears of sadness, what had previously been happiness and letting go the poster to the floor, felt how his heart was destroyed in a million pieces.

Sources: 1

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Great story @gabriellecd.

As a man, I've noticed something bad will happen in the end the moment I read this :

and as if it were prophetic, he returned. He just came back to give her, his reasons for separation

That's not a manly doing. Totally not. If he loves her, that is totally ironic. How can you endure the longing to a woman you love? Is communicating just a single bit of his time a big burden?

What I can say is, he don't want to lose her because he knew he was loved so much. So he didn't let go of the girl and the moment she found someone better than her, then that was the time he said goodbye.

PS : Long Distance relationships are very common to us here. Haha

Omg i loved this feedback so badly...

yeah is a really fucked up story, but is based in something real so i have to ask the guy how he can do that if he loves her... but i know the answer... always was "is complicated" haha so... really really fuck up.

But only this part is based in real things, the next ones are pure fiction, hope that you read it

Love is a complex thing and never truly felt or understood the same by all, even those in the same relationship. Just the price of human love i suppose.

If you love you are willing to suffer, that is something that all must know :(