So this was whelming? IDK, it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't really anything special- certainly not enough to have an extended universe already in motion. Like a lot of Snyder's stuff it had a lot of potential, but utterly missed on execution. It was pretty to look at and the action was good like most of Snyder's stuff, but everything else was jumbled or missing.
Honestly felt like half the movie was missing, but that the movie was also simultaneously dragging.
I'll wait till Part Two I guess to see the full vision. Snyder of course as usual is releasing an R rated director's cut later.
This is one of those films that was sort of like a book adaptation without there being a book to hook me in and fill in the holes.
I actually like some of Snyder's stuff. I thought Man of Steel was actually fairly good for a well-trodden character. I thought Watchmen fit him well too. He's not my favorite, but he gets more hate than he deserves.
And like re: half the movie missing I'm not talking about a part 2, but like it seemed like it tried to do too much at once. It came across like a video game plot.
The ending was pretty ham-fisted. In an already heavily ham-fisted plot.