Overrun by Soap Ends.... Making Samples for Giveaway! by Sunscape

in soapmaking •  5 years ago 

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After cutting up all my recent loaves of soaps I had a huge pile of end pieces to deal with. This week I took the time to package up some sample packs to give away. It was quite the chore to do so many pieces so I had to do it in different steps. I am pleased with the outcome. You can find a lot of my soaps at Homesteaders Co-op - Sunscapes Soap Shop if you are interested in handmade, all-natural soaps.

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What are you going to do this weekend?

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If you have not yet visited the Homesteaders Co-Op here on Steemit, you may want to take a moment to check out all the wonderful vendors. There is a huge variety of items for sale and you can purchase them with Steem, Steem Dollars, or Dollars. So, what are you waiting for? Come on over this weekend and check us all out.

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Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Homesteaders Co-op - Sunscapes Soap Shop
Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations
Website - Sunscapes Soap Shop

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You've been visited by @porters from Homesteaders Co-op. What a beautiful array of soaps and so generous of you to be giving away all those soap ends! --- Homesteaders Co-op A community marketplace of ethical, handmade and sustainable products available for STEEM, SBD (and USD): https://homesteaderscoop.com follow: @homesteaderscoop

I thank you for the visit. I love giving away the ends for people to sample. It is just good business. ;-)

Hope all is well with you ....

I am doing much better. I can get out into the gardens a little and work on my soaps too. How about you? Are you feeling like yourself yet? xoxo

Operation a success but for last three
weeks all kinds of symptoms..Body-ache, headache, chest congestion etc. etd.. tick born disease ruled out for now. Go to my doctor nurse tomorrow.

Geeze Mike! I am sorry to hear that you're having such a time of it. I hope you feel better real soon my friend.


These looks like cookies! Can I have some with my coffee?!! Yummy!

Sure! If you don't mind some blowing bubbles with it. lol

Then, I have to change my mind and go for your soaps instead!

They look amazing. Resteemed :-)

That is sweet of you, thank you lichtblick

How many beautiful soap!!! I lov them! Resteemed ^_^

You are so kind, thank you, Silvia.

I used to buy a 2 lb bundle of end pieces from a soapmaker on Etsy and I loved them, but with all my allergies I can't do that any more because most soaps set me off. ;.; I think one of yours is good for me when I looked, and I've been meaning to try it, but like, every time I think, hey, I've got a few Steem, I should buy a soap - the price of Steem has gone down again. XD One day!

Awh, that is hard. I do my best to use all-natural ingredients. Someday the steem will go up. Right? lol We are hoping. Have a great day.

The layers in the soaps are so like miniatures of landscapes. Love the variety of soaps you have and how they are packaged so beautifully with the raffia. Such a lovely product to have at the Homesteaders Co-Op. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

Hello Ally, I have missed you!!!! I hope you have been well and are creating your heart out. Thank you for the lovely comment about the soaps. They do keep me busy and I love finding new ways to make them unique. I have so many more on my website for Sunscapes Soap Shop than I do on the Homesteaders. Now, it is time to get going for fall and winter, which I am a bit behind with. lol Always so much happening. love and hugs to you. xoxo

Such an understatement:

Always so much happening.

It seems to require so much self-discipline to not be distracted by anything and everything that comes along ~ And yet to accept 'it' as part of our lives and give 'it' the attention it needs ~ And still be able to settle into the things we love and need to do.

It must be fun making the soaps by adding your essence and creativity with its sense of colour and beauty to them. I wish you could take overseas orders. Maybe one day. Although it would perhaps make life, even busier for you than you would wish it to be.

I've realized that I love making 'things' just as much as drawing ~ And love drawing just as much as making 'things.' But all the other 'things' call too ~ Today it's making my kombucha and later this afternoon I need to do some more experiments with a new lot of beeswax for candle making.

But high on the priority list was connecting with you again Wanda, before FINALLY settling into my new drawing again. It's midday already and I'm having to remind myself that 'All is as it needs to be ~ And there's a time and place for EVERYTHING.'

I hope you are really well and have a beautiful weekend. With much love. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

You are such a love!!! And, yes I get it very well. But, as we go through each day I have come to peace with what is and am accepting of what I did not get too. All is as it should be and there are no mistakes in my world. Staying in the moment for me is the most important thing and it always amazes me where each day takes me. I know you feel the same and yet wish for more time to create. However, I have found that in my being present in the moment my creation process is ongoing. It may not be what I had hope for, especially when I want to make soaps or crafts or paint or play in the garden. Today, for example I had to care for one of my monarch butterflies that emerged from Chyrsalis and then hot peppers that needed to be made into jelly. Plus, I have guests arriving for the weekend and well that is how it goes. I did manage to make a grid for my Aura Cleansing Spray for tonights full harvest moon and friday the 13th. I would have not wanted to miss making that crystal essence on such a rare night. I have missed seeing your posts and sharing with you. I know it would be fun to ship worldwide, but the cost would be horrific for anyone buying. I hope you are well and having as much fun as I am in this year of transitioning. love and light to you. xoxoxo

You always give me such an abundance of inspiration and encouragement ~ For which my heart is always appreciative of. I relate to all you have said now so easily.

I have found that in my being present in the moment my creation process is ongoing. It may not be what I had hope for ~

But that's ok when you know that living in the moment will bring everything that you need ~ To you ~ With the most supportive conditions.

Must have been wonderful though, setting the time apart to make your crystal essence. With much love to you in this 'year of transitioning.' ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

I love making my essences and creating a wonderful spray to enjoy. So much fun and very uplifting. xoxoxo