Six degrees of Reggae Muffin - a thought experiment

in social-experiment •  7 years ago 


There are many interesting social experiments that can be conducted, the most famous (or infamous depending on your point of view) is the Six degrees of Kevin Bacon game that people were obsessed with a while back. My apologies to @reggaemuffin for using the name for this post, but this was the closest rhyming name with the same number of syllables I can find at the moment.

But this would be a pretty boring post if we simply played the same game, so why not think of something that would help to benefit other people on Steemit? I decided to combine this with the popular Wiki Game, so the objective is now to use a person and to try and link it to a topic. So let's see if we can link @reggaemuffin to #bisteemit for example.

So starting from his profile page:

I picked the first post on the page from @forykw, since you have to start somewhere right?


I read the article and saw an interesting comment from @fnkmayhem which I liked:


So I clicked on the link to the profile and what do you know, the first post was from @paulag and I knew the end was in sight!


After reading through the post, I found what I was looking for right at the bottom:


So the result was a mere three steps to link @reggaemuffin to #bisteemit:
@reggaemuffin --> @forykw --> @fnkmayhem --> @paulag --> #bisteemit

Can you do better? Is there another solution? What other interesting ideas can you come up with to help spread the connections between fellow Steemians?

Have fun!

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Nice post. And I am glad you put this out there. Many people on steemit are giving out about circle voting, this kinda proves that it is inevitable!

Thanks for the comment. Your post on the recent undelegation event really helped to highlight some of the 'protected' or closed groups that one get stuck in when there is so much out there that we should be looking to explore and connect with people (at least if you want to realize the full benefit/potential of Steemit). Looking forward to your next analysis :)