Social reality de-programming, so we can all start from scratch and define reality free from the 'mental rubbish' our minds have been filled with

in social-reality •  7 years ago 

Schopenhauer and Hume provided me with my initial full comprehension of how we tend to make a huge number of assumptions, every time we ‘believe’ something to be true. Most of these assumptions prove to be false, on closer examination. Of course the benefit of ‘jumping to conclusions’ is that it is fast. And it’s better to be wrong when you ‘run home after believing you heard / saw / smelt a tiger in the woods’, and discover later that it was just a friendly dog, than it is to be wrong when you assumed that sound and movement was ‘probably just a dog’, only to become dinner for a family of tigers. Making assumptions, quickly, building models, jumping to conclusions, accepting what you are told by some ‘authority’, leaping to judgements based on ‘hearsay’ and ‘assumptions’, are all ‘efficient’ ways to increase your survival chances. But at some point, when the danger has passed, it makes sense to consider what you REALLY know. What was assumed. Whose opinion you took at face value, without analyzing to see if it was justified / valid. When the danger has passed. So of course ever liar, deceiver, manipulator, will try to make you feel ‘in danger’, ‘at risk’, at every moment, so that you never have a chance to pause, and consider, and think for yourself. You will always be jumping to your own, or someone else’s, conclusions…fearful of some imagined / illusory threat…like ‘hell’, or ‘gods’ or ‘terrorists’, or ‘enemies’…as long as you are held in the thrall of fear, you can never step back and evaluate the beliefs you have formed, and have been offered / often forced to accept, and at least behave as if you believed…and once your start behaving as if you believe, your mind will tend to rationalize that behavior, by actually BELIEVING … and defending those beliefs…so strongly that you often end up denying the facts of reality around you…this is how most people live today…this is why the world still needs philosphers, more than ever…

We also ‘think about thoughts’…which is what I do all day…asking myself ‘why do I think that?’…’do I really have justification for believing that?’ … why does X believe something I KNOW is not possibly true…why does X believe what I tell them couldn’t possibly be true…the safest bet is to move from mere deduction e.g someone told me / it’s in a book / movie / the government said so, to induction e.g they said X, is X possible, let’s check and if X had occurred, Y would be present, is it? Could it have been removed? Could someone be lying about X, given that Y is not present, and by all scientific known facts, should be?

Spin doctors always defeat truth by moving from induction e.g testing bricks in supposed gas chambers for traces of ‘Prussian Blue’ residue from Zyklon B, to ‘this is the most documented case of genocide ever’…using a generalized, highly abstract statement, which you feel unable to counter, it being so confidently announced, that you forget that this ‘spin’ is just distracting you from the fact that you asked a concrete question and they evaded answering it. Why? Because once you move down the level of abstraction, from ‘general claims’, it becomes much easier to refute / disprove a statement. Simply by testing its concrete claims. Which is why ‘Holocaust’ promoters NEVER debate a person on the facts that CAN be established, and in fact put the scientists who measured / recorded these facts in prison, and Jewish thugs beat them up.

Pre-framing is simply implanting an expectation in someone, by implanting a definition of a future object / situation in their mind e.g gypsies will steal your stuff, so watch out, or ‘dogs are dangerous’, or ‘everyone is out to get you’, or ‘all non-jews want to kill jews because they are envious of their god-given superiority’…This is what propaganda does. This is how Israeli children are mind-controlled to fear and hate non-jews, to prepare them for the coming third world war in which most ‘Jews’ will be offered as a burnt offering to the Babylonian Jew world order.

Post-framing is taking an experience and defining it for the participants…telling them what happened, who did what, when, why, and what it means…not allowing them to induce all these themselves from their own experience and reason, but immediately imposing / imprinting an ‘official’ definition of reality, of that reality just ‘experienced’, in a way that determines the way it is encoded, that determines what beliefs and defnitions the person / actors will bring away from that experience…in a way that distorts and filters the experience in particular ways…like all the mass media reports on 911, with their ‘Oh no, a second plane has hit’…so that everyone ASSUMES there was a ‘first plane’, though there never WAS one…there is not a SINGLE image of a ‘first plane’ hitting anything…and the ‘second plane’ (missile) was simply ‘doctored’ to appear to be a commercial passenger jet, as long as you don’t look closely…and why would you? You’ve had the entire experience encoded / imprinted…you KNOW you saw a first plane, a second plane, and you KNOW it was a hijacked…etc…It is very hard to compete with such ORIGINAL imprints…they tend to be the most powerful…so whoever gets to you first, as a child, usually gets to define reality for you…e.g which religion etc…

Pre-framing, framing, and post-framing all operate like post-hypnotic suggestions…any belief is really a post-hypnotic suggestion…something suggests it, while you are in an impressionable state, and from then on, you ac t as if it were true…and a host of emotions like denial, anger, mistrust, etc are ‘triggered’ when anyone challenges that ‘reality’, the one you are now ‘comfortable’ with…it takes a lot to ‘shake an early impression’, they even say ‘First impressions are the most powerful’…it is true for meeting someone, as it is for any other belief or definition you form of ‘reality’.

All of this is about ‘learning’. We ‘learn’ something quickly, and once it is ‘learned’, it is very hard to ‘unlearn’ it. We are set up with a preference for quick learning, and ‘jumping to conclusions’ and ‘accepting what we are told by someone we trust / an authority’. And undoing any damage our first ‘teachers’ do is very hard. We were all ‘taught’ an official version of 911. Thousands of people have proven it to be completely unrelated to reality. Completely at odds with what is physically possible. But the original ‘imprint’ is the strongest. Like the chick freshly hatched, that latches onto a snake, believing it to be its mother. We are all like that chick. We assumed our parents knew, that our teachers knew, that the mass media knew, the truth, and were sharing it with us. So their lies were imprinted, almost chiseled in stone, in our minds.
Those of use who care about ‘truth’, whether or not any ‘truth’ can be said to exist, all face the challenge of how to ‘de-program’ people. How to ‘throw out the trash’ that their minds have been filled with. A challenge made harder as the people we seek to ‘clear’ will resent it, resist it, and hate us for trying to do it. We will be making them feel ‘uncomfortable’

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