Terms of Social Relations - Part 2

in social •  7 years ago 

An activity can be called a social relationship when the requirement for social relations has been fulfilled.

By the time two people shake hands, it indicates a social relationship. The social relationship is established because of social contact. Social contact is derived from Latin, ie con or cum which has a meaning together and tango means touch. Thus, literally social contact has a meaning together touching.

According to Sociology Dictionary, social contact is an individual or group activity in terms of conditions that have meaning for the actor and the recipient. Social contact can be formed through physical contact or directly. The picture above shows the social contacts directly. Another example of direct social contact is talking and meeting in person, greeting each other, or smiling at each other. However, social contact can also be formed indirectly. Indirect social contact is a social contact formed through tools or intermediaries such as letters and telephone.

Technological developments have influenced human life. Progress in the telecommunications sector led to wider social relationships. People can still access information or news from others easily and faster even if the person is away. In addition, the development of the internet has facilitated indirect social contacts, such as facebook, twitter, line, and instagram.

Advances in communication technology allows people to exchange information quickly and easily. However, direct contact should be maintained and preserved in the midst of advances in communication technology. Direct social contact should be maintained for harmony in social relations. For example, direct social contact between parent and child will mean more to the child than indirect contact by telephone or sending a message.

Based on the description, it can be concluded that the social contact is formed because there is feedback among the parties involved. Behavior of a sitting person waiting for a bus at the bus stop there is no action (action) and feedback (reactions) with others.

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