Basic 101 Social Media - Learn the Good and the Bad

in social •  8 years ago 


How do we see our self through Social Media - This universe is so interesting but so scary for some...

We use it in so many levels there is no limit but how can we protect our self for not loosing our mind through this....

Let's talk about Facebook in a good way - the most popular, the most attractive but the most busy from every angle...

How to choose and accept the right Friend Request

Social Media is a big thing – from every angle.. you don’t have them anymore knock at your door.. you have them coming through your friends request. You have to see where everybody stand and what they are doing under social media. Are they there to flirt, to get a good catch! Are they there to work – are they there to play game because they are bored. Are they there to pass a message that you can certainly read between the lines as terrorist or from the war.

You don’t only need to block them but you have to analyze what is their purpose because through social media everything is link..their post, their friends, their family and who know what…With social media today it’s easy to create a profile, it’s easy to fake a profile, it’s easy to pass for someone else where everyone savored the success of the real one. It’s easy to trick people but this is where you get smarter over the years and learned the curve.


I am friend with a lots of people all around the world. I do not exclude any country as there is still good people in every country including Hollywood stars name it! It doesn’t matter who you encounter and who you make friends – What matter it's what they post, how they treat you and talk to you if it’s a decent friend.

Let me tell you a story and only 2 of my close friend knew that story – For training purpose then you can understand where I am coming from and why I am so good at it. I was nobody I was introduce to Marketing coming from a bank where I won 3 awards, daughter of an Officer in RCMP not much out of my bubble and was trying to make money online but just learning the curve. As the year growth, I become the person I am today why because I went through the bad and the good.


I encounter lots of social high up personality. From politician to Radio team to TV team, CEO and much more. Some are awesome great character some are nuts and some are not worth it to be friend. Take my word!'s not because they are popular or famous that it's worth it...

You have to look beyond who they are to really know if you like their personalty...not the person they became. Why some emphasize so much about Actor or anyone seeing through their TV because they represent our daily ritual. They perform to such a level that touch everyone heart in so many way. They're job is no different then your job - the only difference - you watch them every day! They have been trained to do their job!


Well, let me tell you.. I become friend through the year of 2014 with an Actor which he is well known. I am not going to mention his name because this is not about the person he become but the person he is. However; I wish him happy birthday. I was already at 5k but I succeed to had him as a friend. Hum…interesting.. Very nice guy, polite not much of a talker at first but gentleman; what happened is the bad fans who are attached to him found me. The one who are drooling about him created tons of fake profile of him which at one point I was so confuse I didn’t know who I was talking with. Don't take me wrong these fake profile was probably there long time ago...

I just wish him happy birthday.. good lord.. I didn't have no other intention to pursue anything else because in my mind he was just a normal person like everybody...

The reason it's because they were all requesting my friendship... However....Over the months I could see his pictures changing constantly from one profile, the profile I was friend with which open door to the fans and bad apple. Which push me to open myself a second profile but I kept my integrity with the same picture and the same name. That way I can have a better control on the fake fans - which now my team and most of my friends know about it and do follow me on both and/are friends with me on both.

Can you imagine what these people are capable to do and even as of today which I had one fake profile popping up which I block..OMG! Why me...Maybe I should say - try me to the bad might not like the end...Yes I am popular and he is famous but common people - get a life!!!

You have to understand the philosophy behind that. They were not always famous, nor any figure that you see or come across to the level they are right now. They work hard to get where they are. They've been told so many story about the good or the bad from the industry. That is the territory about social and how to handle it. We never learn how to handle the social media. We have never been though unless we follow the path of an organization and/or our intuition. As for Hollywood or anyone projecting themselves through our TV, they have been told so many times before they start. What they can expect, what they should do or not do. Even changing their names. Some just doesn't care and don't follow the book and some do. Their whole personality change. Just like us as we learn through social how to deal with the good and the bad. How many times I keep telling the team - everyone is equal and do not assume but only knowing the personality itself. They are not different. In my case.. I am popular - they are difference. It's all about territory and what you learn around it.


I work online, I work in a part-time job, I do travel and so much more so I am always doing something. My new feeds will show me who posted and who update. Therefore when I see a great event, great picture from anyone I would be commenting from the news feeds with great comment. You know me. I would never say something inappropriate nor spam your profile.That is they're job to keep marketing their movies, put interest for their fans. It's a way of reaching their fans in so many levels...Just like us when we do Network Marketing...

However the real Actor "and to point out" - lots of people ask me how do I know - just wait and you will see why I know it was him" told me that his staff told him not to talk to me anymore. Why.. I didn’t do anything wrong then avoiding his fake fans, then protecting me and my friends from their news feed. Even Facebook contacted me and I had to block one of the admin under Facebook because she told me I was very lucky to have him as a friend. She was harassing me so much because of him. Not sure if you call this lucky but it was annoying.


I Skype with him though he was my friend which I do often with my team and today I am even not sure it was him. If you don't know by now you can even fake web cam which at some point sound so suspicious because I couldn't see him clearly but he was able to see me - so weird. Got a phone called by him; heard his voice which was suppose to be him but not sure again as it was so different then the normal and not to mention as I was going through so many fake ones which created so many doubt in my mind. If it was him...I am sorry - I hang up..."Message for you" - you should have private message me telling me you were phoning me.. If not then I did right.

Now - I can just imagine people saying well - why did you continue through this madness...and just block everyone and disregard everything..Yes I could but my goal was to block the fake right at the moment so they don't come haunt me later...


Finally after I block all the fake one..I was able to have a decent conversation with the real one. We connect and it was great. He did confirm from some of the profile I was suspicious about which was nice. After few months we understood each other and developed a great friendship without no bad meaning. Lots of people would ask me why getting through this trouble when I could avoid it at the first place.

True - but I was going through my own drama here and was looking for a great friend to chat about everything and anything. For the first time in a long time, it was nice to have a normal conversation and regardless of what he become which I didn't care it was nice to talk about anything and everything. It didn't have to be him - he could have been anyone but our path cross at that moment.
He make me feel good through our friendship and that is why I continue. Not because he was The Actor but because of what he is as a person; not the person he become. I didn't care about all the rumors or whatever paparazzi was saying about him. He is so fed up himself about this gossip which I don't blame him...Your privacy doesn't have no privacy anymore when you are at this point of your life which is sad and I think that is probably why we get along well because I didn't see him that way.

Believe me! for those who are not going through the paparazzi - be bless because their world is ugly because of them. Society unfortunately feeds on that and that is so wrong...For me - it was only a pure kind friendship. He was going through his own drama and I think it was nice that both of us who were going through similar drama was only reaching for a great friendship. The thing with actor or anyone from Hollywood standard you can find anything online. Because I was trick so many times I had to do my own research and find more about this actor so I can trick back the fake one. That was the only way for me not to get confuse in this circles of bad fans. I was not a drooling fan...I was just a friend and with no bad intention. Someone that cross my path which I strongly believe everything happen for a reason by the representation of God's will I will do the effort to be your friend no matter who you are...


The lesson of this story – it doesn’t matter who it is.. but use your judgement wisely because who ever is behind this picture, this profile will trick you if he or she is not true… I don’t care about your body, what you do but if you can’t think for yourself and know me as person then don't judge and play mind game; Otherwise yes I will block you or they can block you; one way or the other works! It's saving me time to block or unfriend..Like I say - some are great personality some doesn't take the stand for what they are and will get immerse through this ugly circles of The Famous and Rich that can be very intoxicated not only for you but very annoying with time.

Friends come and go in life but only the ones who mean to be will stay in your life. Friends will acknowledge the person you are and understand your path no matter what. It doesn't matter the background you have but never loose where you come from. This is the value of your soul.
Now – that was my story.. one them anyway.. I have many but will keep this short. lol



    DO NOT accept someone who has picture only of them self. (that means he is looking for love and matchmaker or he think he is too good for anyone)
    DO NOT accept someone with naked body or ½ dress. (that is trouble and can be associate to porno stuff/hacker)
    DO NOT accept someone who is posting lots of hearts, flowers flashing of star and kisses from other picture.. (he is a pervert)
    DO NOT accept someone that is typing only through his or her own language beside English.. (no point here and beside translation is not always accurate)
    DO NOT accept someone that show guns all the time, battle, war and fight. (bad venue – and who know what it’s really the intention behind)
    DO NOT accept someone that let other post in their timeline. That is your timeline and shouldn’t be acceptable. (that means all his or her friends will post in your timeline)
    DO NOT accept someone that has less then 4 mutual friends with you (you never know who is behind this) I use to say 10 mutual friend but I downgrade to 4.
    DO NOT accept someone who has no information under their about ( if they can post themself, they can fill out the information)
    DO NOT accept someone where you can’t see any of their pictures, post, about, friends (but I must say.. when they are hollywood star or very hight up you migh not see it until you become friend)



I have lots of request but that doesn’t mean I have to accept all of them. So not only you have to look at all aspect of his or her profile just like when you interview someone. Take it seriously.. it will pay off.

Now if I do not accept someone, I will click – why because if they try again and again.. Facebook will advise them with a notification. It’s just a something Facebook has created to protect the user and if they persist they will be block from Facebook. So it’s a win win for me and my friends.

Because I put my profile public and that is the way I want as I reach so many people around the world, you just have to be aware of who is liking your page and texting you or requesting friend. They might like your post but that doesn’t mean they are friend with you.

Make sure you watch for that and if you don't’ like it.. delete it. You have control of your own post and you can delete any comment that is not acceptable. If you don’t and let it.. his or her friends will come to you as it’s going to show in his or her profile.

If they become Friend and they start phoning you, harassing you.. BLOCK – not worth it my time. Yes I do want to talk with my friends but not being harass by the wrong people...Because my friends is all around the world, our time is different - I am talking about the bad apple who will be offended if I don't respond right away.. Well maybe it's in the middle of the night if they are not patient it's not worth it to have them in your circle.

So be aware of everything because everything is link – and NEVER NEVER open a link through a private message.. Bad idea...



Block is one of the thing lots of us love the most. It’s make our social so much easier but there is still the bad apple coming back over and over. Why because the ones we click spam doesn’t mean that his or her friends can’t see your post if this person has commented one of your post.

It’s all link –
Now when I browse the friend request and look at post.. if there is some pure hazard that I see porno that he or she let someone else posted in their timeline.. I will go directly to that person who posted porno and block this person. Then go back to the person who ask me to be friend and block this person as well..Sorry not interested to be friend with someone who allowed that!

Remember – everybody is link together so you block both that way you are certain it’s not going to show up on your timeline nor as a new friends.



Now we all know hacker are getting better but by choosing the right friends, by applying all the principal above, you will have less hacker and less headache through this process.

There is always a bad apple that pass through the crack but that is the foundation of 101 in every social.

Here is the last tip – probably the most important tip….
I check every day – I don’t have anymore this problem but when I use to be friend with The Actor at that time all the fake profile was popping up OMG! that was a huge problem and I can see someone was logging under my Facebook so how do I know if someone has log in under my Facebook….

Here is the Answer :

  1. Go to where the arrow is – choose settings

  2. Click on Security


  1. Then you will see all the devices that is connected to your facebook. If it’s not from your location - Click End Activity / Change your password / Log off and choose a different browser / log in.

Check for every device that show – I have 5 connected to FB – I told you I don’t need to log in in Facebook to see my private message or anything. I see everything…lol

So that was Lesson 1 – Basis 101 for Social media.. You apply this in every social media you are with. You can find me everywhere but I apply the same thing over and over. Always remember - check your timeline often as you never know who will post in your timeline and make sure you are aware of your surrounding. Even if someone copy your profile - there is nothing you can do - The true friends know who you are...

Don’t be afraid to use the system. It’s there for you to use it, to protect you. Be like the Famous and Rich - Protect yourself - You are all beautiful and all worth it. It doesn't matter where you come from - you are all important so make it wisely!

Thank you and enjoy the ride Julie Kenk

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Great Social Media info. Thank you for sharing

You are welcome...there is so much out there it's going faster then we even wanted