The threat of extremism according to Zuck.

in social •  4 years ago 


Many of us have been sent a veiled threat by Facebook. Some of our friends have been asked if they are “concerned” if someone they know is becoming “an extremist” and they are assured that “we care about eliminating extremism on Facebook.” “Others in your situation have received confidential support,” croons the Algorithm. I’ll just bet on that. I call this a veiled threat. Facebook is supposed to be a neutral platform, akin to a ‘Common Carrier’ like FedX or Bell Telephone. Facebook is protected legally from being sued because it is a neutral platform and as such is prohibited from becoming a censor. But is Mark Z trying to become a sort of Gestapo as well as a Censor? We can go to the Algorithm and snitch on our misbelieving friends and get “confidential support”?

I've studied Paul R Hill's great book on UFOs (Unconventional Flying Objects: a Scientific Analysis) and it helped me to understand my personal sightings of UFO crafts which I was rarely privileged to have, one in 2015 and another in 2020. So I know that our extra-terrestrial visitors have been observing us in great numbers since 1947 and though they demonstrate technologies incalculably far in advance of us they have never treated human beings with hostility. I quoted H. G. Wells in my discussions regarding this:

"With infinite complacency men went to and from over this globe about their little affairs, serene in their assurance of their empire over matter. It is possible that the infusoria under a microscope do the same..." – H. G. Wells, The War of the Worlds

In Wells's 1896 fantasy the Martians have deadly designs of conquest and extermination. But now we have gradually become aware that there are real extra-terrestrials observing us but they have no such evil designs.

What a mind twisting irony it is that we all are being observed much as our Alien Visitors observe us, but it is not extra-terrestrials that study us like scum in a petrie dish in order to conquer and enslave us. The psychopathic human monsters who observe us and "slowly and surely drew their plans against us' [The War of the Worlds] are a monstrous threat while our Alien Visitors have treated us with forbearance and humaneness.

The formula for calculating the volume of the spherical UFOs like the one I saw, 4/3rds Pi times the radius cubed, applies off planet it seems, way off planet. And now we see that the Aliens who observe us, creatures of many different species testifying physically to some sort of galactic neighbourhood co-operative, observe the Golden Rule. Or the Judaic version: "What you don't want others to do to you, don't do it to others." But the humans who have stolen $3.9 Trillion from us, the workers of the world, people who look so like human beings, have no such ethic.

The Imitation of Christ is being practiced not by humans who evolved on this planet, but by beings who evolved on other planets eons and light centuries away from our own. Our Visitors are "the uncircumcised" yet they behave as if they were the circumcised, as St Paul said, and God will so judge them if St Paul was right. They would be capable of evangelizing us if our hearts were ready. But 74 years of observation must have indicated to them that we are not worthy of the message of peace and universal community. A judgement is upon us for our foolishness.

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