Quick Start Guide to Easy Online Profits..

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Quick Start Guide To
Easy Online Profits
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Quick Start Guide To
Easy Online Profits
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It's hard isn't it? Knowing just where to begin when you're
new to the whole online selling game. With so many others
already earning money and touting the praises of their
methods, where exactly do you begin?
Many "newbies" give up before they've really begun. That's
due in part to the unrelenting maze of courses, ebooks, and
other assorted sources available as soon as you log in!
It's confusing. Who's right? Who's wrong? And who's in it
just to make a quick buck from the inexperienced?
Well, hopefully, this guide will point you in the right
direction! After all, that is the purpose of it :-)
Let's first discuss why people feel compelled to sell
products online. . .
Why To Sell
E-Z Money
Everyone wants to make money. That's a given. And the
internet can present some pretty lucrative possibilities.
But it can also create a breeding ground for scammers.
Sometimes it's tough to know what is a scam and what isn't.
No one can tell you in all honesty that they haven't, at
some time in their online career, been taken at least once
by a hyped up scam. You have to understand that there are
some folks who are a constant source of helpful
information, and those that are hanging out looking for the
quick cash. While you can make some easy profits doing
business on the internet, you still must be vigilant and
careful when buying. The old adage still rings true,
especially online: "Let The Buyer Beware".
Plus, when you sell products online, generally start up
costs are much lower than that of a traditional "brick-and-
mortar" store. In many cases your monthly costs would be
less than going for a night out. So, turning a profit is
much, much easier to accomplish.
Setting Your Own Hours
Who doesn't want to be their own boss?! Deciding when and
if you work gives you such a sense of freedom. Well, not
exactly. A common misconception about home-based business
is that you will have much more time to do the things you
want to, and less time spent working. You see it all the
time if you've seen any type of "infomercial" when you're
up late watching television. The fact of the matter is any
business is still a business.
Meaning, you have to work at it to taste success. Many
times, when running your own "stay at home business", there
are more work hours put in, and less time for all the fun
things that you thought you'd be doing. This is not meant
to be discouraging, just a reality check. So be prepared
for this ahead of time.
Limitless Opportunity
Earning money online is virtually limitless. Every single
day, millions log on in search of something. Whether it be
information, or a specific product. Shopping by internet is
a time-saver. Collecting information online is a time-
saver. Understand that most folks looking for information
are prepared to pay for it. This is a fact. And absolutely
anything that you can think up can be turned into an
informative product. Remember, there are millions of
internet visitors all across the world searching for
information. The only "limits" involved with selling online
are those you set for yourself.
Add to that the fact that with information selling, you can
resell the same "packet" of materials over and over again
to as many people who want it, and you have an unstoppable
income force! However, it's important to remember that
technology is an ever expanding field. So you will have to
"change with the times" and be prepared to keep your
information up to date. Change is a good thing.
Any "idea" can be cultivated into a product. Does it have
to be a great idea? No. But, you do need to make sure that
you are offering something that has a value. You can't just
go and copy down some free information, change some of the
wording, and then expect to make a profit. It doesn't work
that way. You must put forth effort to get value from what
you're creating. This way, if you value and believe in what
you have made, then most likely others will too. Plus,
eventually, you'll get caught and be labeled a "scammer".
And that, my friend, is a reputation you do not want if you
want to make your online business a success.
Where To Sell
The first thing you need to do is have a place to sell your
products from. It doesn't matter what you're selling, but
it does matter where you sell it from. Let me explain. When
you plan to run an online business, treat it like one!
You'll make much more money this way, believe me. Sure,
you'll have some out of pocket expenses, but that's part of
doing business. I cannot stress enough the importance of
having your very own domain name and web site space.
There's a big difference between a department store and a
yard sale. Think of your business as a specialized
department store, and give it a place to "stand". If you
try and do every single thing for free, you're business
will suffer for it in the long run. You need complete
control over your business. After all, you are the boss and
not just the manager. That's why you need to steer clear of
free web hosting sites.
Yeah, they give you your own sub-domain and a limited
amount of space, but more importantly, these hosts hinder
your earning ability with permanent banner ad placement and
file upload limitations. Keeping everything as simple as
possible will benefit you in the end and make your job a
lot easier. Don't waste your time or energy. It's not worth
So, do yourself a big favor and pay for good web hosting.
Let me add this, many web hosts are steering away from
allowing certain files to be hosted on their servers. This
includes .zip, .mp3, .exe, and in some cases .pdf files.
Not good for an information business. Most of these web
hosts who ban these types of files are offering "shared"
hosting. Shared hosting is simply multiple web sites that
share the same server. While this isn't a bad system, it
still limits what you can do. But, if you are comfortable
with that and have found a shared hosting plan that fits
your specific needs with a good price, then go for it. But
be sure to check their terms of service before you finalize
your choice and pay.
Before you set up with a specific web host, you need a
domain name. That is an easy enough task. Where you
purchase your domain name is just as important as where you
purchase your web space hosting. A good company to go with
for domain name purchasing is GoDaddy. They've been around
for a while and they have top notch customer service. Plus,
their prices are affordable.
When selecting the right domain name it's a good idea for
you to add at least one descriptive word pertaining to your
online business. Say for instance you want to sell soccer
equipment, you might choose www.waytogoalsoccer.com, or
www.soccersupplier.com, or www.yoursoccersupplies.net,
www.justsoccer.com, etc. The reason for adding "keyword" in
your domain is that when people use search engines your
site will come up more frequently. And that means more
traffic, which means more sales. Plain and simple.
It doesn't matter where you buy your domain name, just that
you buy one.
Now, if you're just beginning and don't really have the
funds to purchase a domain name and website space, there is
another way to begin if you are wishing to sell information
products that can be automatically delivered by way of
downloading. There is a site that does something quite
unique. I know I said earlier that using a sub-domain isn't
a good idea for serious online business. But, using a
system like TradeBit is the exception to this.
And the reason is quite simple.
First of all, you can get a free 20 MB account, a sub-
domain, web based FTP file uploading, built in shopping
cart, your own affiliate program, and integrated
PayPal/eBay selling plus automated product delivery. This
will cut down your work load substantially. Beyond that,
they have extensive tutorials in both text and flash that
help you "learn the ropes" when using their system.
Besides this, you can always use the redirect function when
you purchase your domain name and have a small web hosting
space. You won't need a whole bunch of space if you use
TradeBit to host your product files. And they allow you to
host all the files that shared hosting companies do not.
Such as .mp3, .exe, .zip, images and the like. Understand
that any files you host you must have the right to sell
them. But if you are a reseller, then this is not a
There is really no good reason why purchasing a domain name
and web space should cost you more than $30 realistically.
And, if you need more file hosting space, TradeBit offers
affordable solutions for this as well that you can upgrade
to at any time. All in all, setting up your own online
business should cost you no more than $100.
A few more things you will need before you begin are a
merchant account, an eBay account if you are interested in
selling there, an HTML editor for making changes to pre-
designed sales kits or for creating a sales page, and an
image editor for creating graphics for your sales pages and
There are several different places that you can pick up
your own merchant account. PayPal being my top choice due
to the fact that it's free. Plus, this is the payment
system that TradeBit uses although they are working on
adding other systems at the time of this writing. Now, for
those that cannot get a PayPal account because of
restrictions, you can always get a free merchant account
from StormPay. It's basically the same system setup as
PayPal. But, you can sign up for a free merchant account on
a new system called PayDotCom. They offer PayPal and
StormPay integration among others within their system, so
it's a good choice. Again, opening a merchant account with
PayDotCom is free.
If you have the money and can afford it, there are other
merchant account systems out there too. ClickBank being the
first on my list. It will cost around $50 to set this up.
But don't worry, it's just a one time fee. Also, there is
2CheckOut and they offer a free shopping cart set up
Now that you know where you should be selling, it's time to
decide on what to sell.
What To Sell
Information Products
This type of selling is probably the easiest way to make
fast money without huge overhead costs. And you also have
the ability to sell unlimited amounts of information
products to as many customers as you can sell them too.
But, you must make sure that the information products that
you have in stock come with something called Master Resale
Rights. Master Resale Rights makes it possible within the
product terms to resell not only the product itself, but
also the right to resell it to those customers you sell it
While there are also Standard/Basic/Full Resale Rights, the
definition of this is much different. These types of
resellable products only give you, the original purchaser
of the product to resell it, and not those you sell it to.
Even though Standard/Basic/Full Resale Rights is not a bad
thing, having the Master Resale Rights will most certainly
bring in more profits based on the fact that your customers
can also make money with them as well as learning something
at the same time.
With that said, you need to be selective on which resale
rights products you buy. What you need to be looking for is
a product that is 1. newer, and 2. unique. These criteria
usually make for the best sellers. The reason for this is
quite simple.
Lots of people jump online searching for an opportunity
that will make them some fast cash. The information product
business excels in this capacity. That's why so many hop
onto the resale rights information selling bandwagon.
However, many fail at running a successful information e-
business because they have no clue as to what they need to
be selling! Or even how to go about selecting a killer
product that will generate excellent profits for them
without costing them an arm and a leg.
As I said before, you have to be extremely picky. And be
wary of "hyped" up sites. Just because the site says that
the product is A #1, doesn't mean that it is. There are
lots of stinkers out there. Remember that the owner of the
website that is in essence "pushing" a specific product are
in the same boat you are. They want to earn money. Things
like "I'll be raising the price soon", "Time Sensitive
Offer", countdown clocks, and similar are all marketing
tactics to get you to purchase right away by creating an
urgency. It's a good tactic and it works like you wouldn't
believe! But being aware that these are simply techniques
will help you in choosing a good product as apposed to one
that totally sucks eggs.
Along with those urgency techniques, also understand that
not everything presented on a "sales page" is what it seems
on the surface. Take for instance testimonials. It's
important for you to know how some businesses get these and
why. First, let's discuss how they get them. A lot of
times, authors of products will offer a free copy of their
product in exchange for a testimonial. And who wouldn't
love something they had to pay nothing for? In some cases,
getting that free copy and providing a positive testimonial
is a requirement, and not a request. Still yet, other
times, the author will ask for feedback to perform final
"tweaks" on the product before the official release, and
then as a follow up, will ask those that participate for a
nice little testimonial to which they offer the
participants a "link back" to their own page. It's free
publicity. And another darn good way to gain your trust and
get you to believe more firmly in the product so that you
purchase it.
Furthermore, the reason why those in the online business
need these testimonials is to gain your trust in them and
their product. Word of mouth carries a lot of weight when
it comes to customers purchasing something from you. Again,
another marketing tactic that works, and works well.
Always remember that everything you see isn't always so
cut-and-dry. There are little things going on "behind the
scenes" that you don't know about. Are these things
dishonest, maybe. To a certain degree. But there are those
that offer testimonials that are completely genuine. Are
there sales pages out there that actually speak the truth
about the products they are selling? Sure. The unfortunate
part is that it's very difficult to know the difference.
And the reason for this is that some internet marketers
really know what they're doing.
Now, where can you get high quality products for a good
deal? One of the best places is through private membership
websites. These types of sites are stocked with plenty of
resale right information products to get you up and going.
Plus, they almost always have quite a number of products
that are up to date, or just released recently available
for you to download.
Collecting your information products this way will most
definitely save you money in the long run. Take for example
Allan Wilson’s Reprint Rights Marketing website. For a
small cost of $27 a month(plus a one time $20 membership
fee), you get a very high amount of resellable products.
Add to this the fact that there are products you can
actually choose from and decide which you feel are worth
selling to your customers. Plus, when you resell these
products, which most, if not all, come with resale rights,
you stand to make 100% profits from them, excluding selling
fees from companies such as PayPal, eBay, etc. I guarantee
that having just one high quality resource for your
information products, as Allan's is, will bring you a much
bigger return on your initial investment of having that
membership on a monthly basis when you put your selling
skills to work.
There is yet another way to get a decent amount of
resellable information products for the cost of but one.
You can purchase a "package" of them. Whether this is done
by a special sale, or a specific product, you will always
get your money's worth if you spend your money in the right
With packaged information products, you have to again be
very selective. Many resellers the method I like to call
"recycling". This is where they will take a bunch of older
products and repackage them giving the overall effect of
this package being something new. While in essence it is
something new, the outer package, what's inside is just the
same old stuff.
The best way to avoid buying those information product
titles you already have is to read the sales page and look
for a list of products included within the package. Most
will have this information up there, including an image. If
it doesn't, skip it and move on to the next one. If all it
has is a title, skip it. You need an honest description of
the package so you can determine whether or not you have
those exact products already so you're not "double buying".
And to help you out, I want to provide you with a few
outstanding titles that won't cost you one red cent.
Consider it a gift for purchasing this guide :-) This way,
you'll know what to look for by having an example provided
to you.
The Info Product Resellers Pack
Instant Info Riches
How To Create Profitable Products In Less Than A Day
There is one other additional way that can bring you in
some pretty outstanding profits. And that is writing up and
creating your very own information product. It's really not
as difficult as it might sound. And, everyone has a story
inside them just itching to get out. Even you! If you're
new to writing your own content, which you most likely are
:-), here are a couple more products that can help you in
this area.

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