Chapter 1:
What Is Social Sites
Chapter 2:
Using Social Sites As Your Marketing Strategy
Chapter 3:
Sending Loads Of Traffic To Your Website With
Social Sites
Chapter 4:
Improving SERP With Social Sites
Chapter 5:
List Of Cool Social Sites
Chapter 6:
The Dark Side Of Social Sites
Chapter 7:
Build Your Business Communities With Social
Chapter 8:
Viral Marketing Via Social Sites
Chapter 9:
The Surefire Strategies To Succeed With Social
Wrapping Up
4 -
There are many ways to describe the workings of a social site some of
which are depicted by the phrase often referred to as social
networking. This is meant to describe the web site that enables the
users to create a public profile within the website and to also form
relationships with others users of the same site where the access to
profiles are unlimited. Social networking sites can also be used to
refer to community based websites, online discussion forms, chat
rooms and other social exchanges online. Get all the info you need
here.5 -
Social Network Secrets6 -
Chapter 1:
What Is Social Sites
Some of the more popular social sites would include facebook, twitter,
LinkedIn, MySpace, GooglePlus+, DevianArt, LiveJournal, Tagged,
Orkut, CafeMom, Ning, Meetup, myLife, myYearbook and Badoo.7 -
The Basics
The social sites also referred to as social networking sites functions
like an online community for the internet users, where information
is shared on common interests, hobbies, religion, politics,
alternative lifestyles and almost anything else there is to discuss.
Once access has been acquired to these social sites, the user can
begin to engage in the act of socializing online and these would
include exercises of reading the profiles on the pages of other
members and maybe even making contact online if necessary or
Making new friends and connections are just one of the benefits of
being connected to a social site. Other benefits may include the
element of diversity in communications and gathering of
information, as the internet gives the users from all around the
world access to the same social networking sites too.
There are no limits as to the amount of social connections that can
be made and neither are there any boundaries in place as the
connections made as possible as long as there is internet
connections available for both parties, making the connections
much more interesting and exciting.8 -
Chapter 2:
Using Social Sites As Your Marketing Strategy
The use of the social sites for marketing purposes is actually an
accepted and even expected trend, where people log into sites to
promote businesses, services, interests and anything that could be
related to earning revenue in one way of another.
The social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube help to
make the process simply by using elements pertaining to the excited
entrepreneurs to be able to access others using the same site to
extend their entrepreneurial intentions.
This is done with the user simply getting on to a particular internet
site where similar minded people are likely to log on to and then
begin the process of attracting the interests of possible customers.9 -
As long as all parties stick to the proper social etiquette ad also
conform to all the requirements in place, the genuinity of the whole
process can bring forth a surprisingly successful entrepreneurship
that is both lasting and strong.
The subject of spamming should also be addressed as the user would
not want to be perceived as being a participant of these. Therefore in
the quest to appear genuine the user would have to figure out a way to
brand the items being used for the sale with good marketing
strategies that would not be mistaken for spamming.
The idea of the appropriate marketing strategy is to be able to attract
the ideal customer to the user in a way that would not cause the
customer to feel harassed or badgered in any way. This is really the
key to the social sites way of attracting and using the marketing
Some users would use the marketing strategy, where the basics
attraction would be designed around the concept of creating some
level of curiosity about the item being offered in order to get
interested parties involved further in the connections made.10 -
Chapter 3:
Sending Loads Of Traffic To Your Website With Social Sites
Social sites are a great way to get the individual’s entrepreneurial
endeavors recognized with the least bit of costs involved.
This is important to the start up styles where the cost factor would be
a big consideration and getting optimal traffic would be the ultimate
Getting traffic to a site is an ongoing task and should not be taken for
granted if the individual intends to make inroads when it comes to
the business opportunities being offered and getting exposure from
social sites would be the ultimate and ideal goal for most.11 -
The following are some basic ways to create the interests that will
drive traffic to the individual’s website using with social sites
Optimize the site used for search engine attraction would be one way
to start getting the desired amount of traffic to the site. Here the
exercise of incorporating all the necessary steps to ensure the site is
ranked well by using all the keywords that could help target the
audience needed to be drawn to the site would be very important.
Creating updates and contents that are exciting and sometimes even
shocking would be the optimal attracting tool that would certainly
drive traffic to the site immediately. Taking advantage of social
bookmarking sites is also something that should be given due
consideration. Learning how to use this tool effectively would enable
a considerable amount of traffic to be directed to the site intended.
Making use of social sites such as Twitter and Facebook would also
help the individual to further create a “buzz” about the business
endeavor and allow this interest to direct traffic to the site. Taking the
effort to build a following on these sites will get the relevant traffic
flow to the site at its optimum.12 -
Chapter 4:
Improving SERP With Social Sites
There are a variety of ways to improving the SERP through the use of
social sites and the individual would just have to be well informed on
how to go about doing this in the best and most efficient way possible
while all the while keeping any possible costs incurred to a minimum.
Social sites are a great way to increase SERP and there are usually
quite a number of tried and proven tactics that can be used to ensure
the most powerful techniques are used for this purpose.13 -
Some of these tactics may include the ever effective bookmarking
strategy. Here the individual will be able to generate traffic to the
website intended using quality backlinks to the site. There is also
the option of being able to create a network group and share the
quality content using keywords to attract the attention of others.
In this scenario, the search engines will contribute to the exercise
of attracting interests to the site quite adequately and in almost all
cases very successfully. Images can also be used to create links to
the website and the creation and designing of an attention
grabbing welcome page would get the traffic to explore further into
the website if the initial presentation is done in an engaging
manner. Some would resolve to post well designed video footage or
share video footage on Facebook or other social sites to encourage
the interested parties to click on the site intended.
Other activities that would be encouraged would be to be as active
as possible on the social networking websites. Creating this activity
will help to attract the necessary attention and get the individual
noticed enough, to have a “following”. Such activities could include
blogging, guest blogging and blog commenting. The exposure
gained would be advantageous to the individual.14 -
Chapter 5:
List Of Cool Social Sites
Being able to identify and make use of the social sites to encourage
more visitors to one’s own site would be very beneficial if the
individual is highly focused on ensuring the traffic flow for a
successful business endeavor.
There are a lot of possibilities that should be explored and having an
idea of the more popular social sites would help the individual keep
the focus more centered and achievable.
The following is a list of most of the more popular social sites
currently ranked and certainly worth using to create awareness for
the individual’s foray:15 -
Great Info
Facebook – this social networking site also functions as a service
provider where everyone and anyone is able to make a connection
with others and get some level of visibility for either themselves or the
endeavor intended for attention. After carrying out the relevant steps
required the individual will be able to create the visibility platform
that would encourage others to connect if interested in what they
perceived to be available on the individual’s facebook account.
Twitter – the online social networking service is also another way to
get one’s profile noticed and also a way to get other connected with
the individual. Ideas and comments are exchanges and this helps to
start some level of interest in the participant’s lives and
corresponding activities.
LinkedIn – this site mainly caters to the more professional side of the
connections intended to be made. Most professional connections here
are mainly to conduct some level of business relationships, but there
are also those who use this social site for other less business oriented
MySpace – noted as a social site and at some point surpassed the
visitor ratio of other more established sites such as Google, this site
also provides the platform for social connections to be made.16 -
Chapter 6:
The Dark Side Of Social Sites
As with anything positive, there is also a negative aspect that should
be acknowledged in order to be able to consider its merits is any.
Therefore in the quest to understand the somewhat dark side of social
sites the individual should be well aware of the happenings and
development impacts the social site implies.
These social sites are able to create a huge influence on anything and
everything that can be accessed through the online portals. This does
have negative impacts on the subject matter is the influence created is
of the negative style.
People connecting to such sites would tend to be influenced by the
general sentiments shared thus not really allowing for the individual
thought process to take its natural course..17 -
The Bad Side
Beside the influence of information and thought process, there is also
the danger of people being so used to connecting online, that they are
unable to function in normal physical connections.
The virtual friendships and relationships can provide the individual
with the luxury of virtuality verses reality and this is more often than
not very damaging to the culture of the human existence.
This trend is already becoming so prevalent that it is sounding alarm
bells for the concerned few who are devoted to monitoring the
There is also the danger of business alliances and new found
friendships being destroyed by seemingly insensitive posting which
tend to paint a particular party in poor light.
This is possible even if the action is a prank and not meant to be taken
seriously. However is most cases the damage that is done is rather
hard to rectify and almost always impossible to recover from,
especially when the credibility of the party is now in question. Thus
the need to be cautions when forming any liaisons on the social sites.18 -
Chapter 7:
Build Your Business Communities With Social Sites
Using the social sites to help build a successful business is very
possible if the individual is able to understand the fundamentals
involved and utilize them to the optimum.
The following are several considerations to address if the individual is
interested in using the social site as a tool for business visibility and
advancement:19 -
Listen and respond to the voice of your site is something that should
not be overlooked or disregarded as unimportant or unnecessary for
prompt action.
The unprecedented access created by the social access to a huge and
infinite customer base requires the consistent monitoring of the
business entity as customers are rather an impatient lot and if they
receive the response within a time frame they consider relevant, the
business entity will not be able to establish any level of credibility.
Assuming the social media is just a marketing function; instead of a
whole business functioning entity would be a serious mistake on the
part of the individual intending to tap into the social sites to create
interest and visibility in the business endeavor.
All connecting stages of the business entity should be well aware of
the impact and response the business is receiving from its featured
site on the social site platform and work accordingly to satisfy all
aspects immediately and effectively.
Leaving everything to just the marketing team to handle would not be
sufficient enough as a overall action plan.
Long term strategies and execution plans should be well though up as
the social sites will require the complete and ever evolving
participation of the business entity to ensure any and all queries are
immediately addressed. Although there is usually the prevailing20 -
excitement that causes the individual of often overlook long term
strategies, it would be better to have these mapped out at the very
onset of the decision to use the social sites as a tool.
.21 -
Chapter 8:
Viral Marketing Via Social Sites
Continuity is what is required for the individual intending to use the
social sites to create visibility and interest in the business endeavor
launched through this platform. However in order to be able to
commence this exercise with the intention of garnering the desired
impact the business individual should be able to adequately exploit all
avenues available through this particular platform of social
Viral marketing is one way of getting traffic to a site to ensure there is
the adequate amount of interest cultivated. Viral web traffic is build
through repetition and also through the platform created by a good
and strong fan base. The idea of having market continuity to draw
attention over a period of time is the aim for the use of the viral
marketing tool. This could take the form of many different actions
such as posting blogs with latest content to providing fresh
downloads and freebies for the potential visitors to the site.22 -
Going Viral
Either way the business individual should be able to come up with
ways of drawing the visitors to the site constantly and consistently.
When this is successfully done the site will have the necessary
following to create a formidable presence that is not easily shaken and
certainly productive. Going viral would require the site to be concisely
built on credible and interesting material that is attention grabbing
and worth discussions.
Going viral will ensure the attention given to the site will eventually
contribute to its popularity, thus helping to convert this to eventual
revenue earned.
Ultimately, the viral social marketing tool will only be as effective as
the time and effort put into the material posted on the site, thus
ensuring the high quality and speed of the new material posted would
be advantageous.
.23 -
Chapter 9:
The Surefire Strategies To Succeed With Social Sites
Indentifying the particular social site to be used should be done
according to the possible positive attributes the site will eventually
extend. Using Facebook as an example, the individual would be able
to expect the elements such as the increase of website traffic, the
ability to create the necessary “buzz” for the business or brand
recognition, being able to connect with past, present and new clients
and also have the advantage of recruiting new interested parties for
the possible expansion of the business entity.24 -
Having Success
Other positive contributions may include being able to engage in
network and friends or fans, the increase of the fan base and the
ability to promote the page and to keep the content updated and
As for sites such as LinkedIn there are also attributes that would be
considered beneficial such as being able to engage and connect with
like minded professionals, requesting endorsements from past clients
and satisfied customers to be posted at the site for the perusal of all,
participating by allowing visitors to answer questions and having
interactive activities, connecting with LinkedIn profiling with other
social media account that could add to the benefit and thus create the
needed attention for success. basically any exercise that would help
promote the site would be welcomed as the potential to increase
revenue earnings from the exposure created. .25 -
Wrapping Up
There are several different issues that should be clearly understood by
the user before making the decision to consider social sites as a good
marketing strategy for the business intended.
Behind the idea of using the social sites should ideally be questions on
what and why the target audience should ultimately consider a
particular site. When these are clearly outlined, then the individual
will be able to make the informed decisions necessary to ensure the
social site used would benefit the business.
You have gotten lots of info here to get started.