Instagram increases depression
The use of social media platforms like Instagram increases depression. This depression is higher in girls.
A study explains that the use of Instagram increases depression in young girls. They continuously face
competition in beauty standards. They do not realize that it is normal to be in their own skin. When they
see other standards of beauty, they start comparing themselves with other girls. The social media has
made an influence by celebrities.
It is same with Instagram feed
It is same with other people. In Instagram feed, you will see people with smiles on their faces. Everyone
is seen on vacations and living their best lives. It all seems too good to be real. But we fail to realize that
it is all fake. We think that it is true and so we go into depression because we start comparing ourselves
with them. When we do not see the same glamour in our lives we go into anxiety and sadness. This
makes our self esteem low. It can lead to depression.
51% people feel anxious while using Instagram
Social Media and Suicide Rates
Social Media and Suicide Rates
51% of the people report that using phone gives them anxiety. Many influencers have made videos in
which they have given themselves a one day or a two day challenge to go without phone. They all told
that they felt much relaxed and happy without Facebook and Instagram.
Instagram does not hide disturbing content
Not only this, but there are certain other things that create chances of depression even greater.
Instagram does not hide disturbing content. This disturbing content appreciates self harm and suicidal
thoughts. Therefore, it is not friendly to the user.
Girl In U.K committed suicide and Parents blame Instagram
A recent news has been broadcast. It concludes that a 14 year old girl committed suicide. The reason her
parents report is that she viewed harmful content on Instagram.
Read a very impressive article on
Will the social media ignore mental health?
The main question is: Will the social media platforms recognize the importance of mental health and do
something about it? The social media brands should know that they are responsible for influencing
millions of users that include children. If they do not take responsibility of the content shown, they can
be held accountable for damaging mental health.