Why You Shouldn’t Eliminate Anxiety Completely

in social •  2 days ago 

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In some cases.

To begin, I would like to make the suggestion that you do not really want to completely eliminate social anxiety. Although anxiety is a defensive mechanism, I would not advise getting rid of defense mechanisms since they are necessary. It is the responsibility of the human intellect to safeguard you. In the event that you eliminate the protective reaction, you will be more likely to engage in dumb behaviors, which may ultimately result in you being struck by a bus because you did not feel uncomfortable enough to check in both directions before crossing the street. In a nutshell, anxiety gives you protection. You despise it, and I am aware of it.I totally did that too. When I was younger, I dealt with anxiety pretty often. To fight through it, I put forth a lot of effort. When I finally came to terms with it, however, I was finally able to start making changes to the way it impacted my life.

For example, let’s imagine you wish to feel a little less anxious all the time…… Therefore, it only appears when you are in desperate need of the protection… to not get rid of it but rather to have it perform its function in a more effectively.

I have discovered that the majority of the time, there is a big incident that is the reason of the worry that is building up. We are mocked by an overbearing parent or we are laughed at in school. Both of these things happen. Following the occurrence of that one traumatic experience, our brains go into overdrive in an effort to prevent us from experiencing feelings of sadness or embarrassment once again. This is your anxiety.

This “problem” with the brain is that it is capable of learning. The ability to learn is something that it excels at. Because of the process of learning, your brain is growing stronger at dealing with worry. It essentially becomes better at making you feel nervous since it is learning how to “protect” you in a more efficient manner. As it acquires knowledge, it starts to anticipate. Eventually, it will begin to associate certain situations, places, or activities with social anxiety, and it will then begin to make you worried anytime you are in those surroundings or situations. A situation that occurred in the classroom caused you to feel awful… As a result, classrooms are hazardous environments… As a result, you are required to be made uneasy in the classroom… There are classrooms at schools… It is natural for you to be worried about going to school… There are a lot of individuals at schools, which are located outside of the home… If you are going to be leaving the home and heading somewhere with a large number of people, you should feel worried. You suddenly feel apprehensive about going to the supermarket, the mall, or a performance. This anxiety is completely unexpected. You may believe that your brain is assisting you.

Do you have any options? Considering that nobody is interested in reading the lengthy version, here is the condensed version… Employ your intellect in a new way. Recognize the protection it provides. You should be grateful for the fact that it is attempting to keep you alive. Your intellect should now be respected. YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO YOUR INTELLIGENCE Rather Than Your Anxiety. You should consider the feeling of anxiety as a warning and glance about you when it occurs. Is it true that you are in danger? Aye? Hurry up. Oh, no! Tell the anxiety that you have done an intellectual evaluation of the issue and concluded that the threat is not as big as your anxiety perceives it to be. Thank the anxiety for attempting to protect you and let it know that you have reached this determination.

Anxiety is comparable to having a kid that is three years old. Have you ever attempted to ignore a youngster who is three years old? Can you explain how it works? Three seeks your attention, but you choose to ignore it. The three of them begin to climb the frickin’ draperies and scream at the top of their tiny lungs in an effort to get your attention. It is the same thing that anxiety does. You make an effort to push past it, but it shouts even louder. Much obliged. Take note of it and pay to it. Be careful not to let it take precedence over your intellect. Praise be to the anxiety. Take a look at the situations. Come to a conclusion. Indicate to the anxiousness that it is free to depart at this moment if you are secure. You value it, yet you are free to let it go. In the event that it perceives that you are in danger, you should encourage it to follow you back. Do you desire that? A nice thing is protection.

When you send worry away for the first time, it will disappear for 1.3 seconds, five minutes, or whatever amount of time you choose. Iterate the technique described above. Every time you make use of your intellect, you will extend the amount of time that anxiety allows you to function in a somewhat autonomous manner.

Anxiety is a terrible thing. A great deal. I really hope that you are able to find all that you need.

All the best! Take care of the most incredible version of yourself!

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