A little How&Why Communities=Success

in socialgrow •  8 years ago 

Online or IRL, communities is the key to success. Communities are any size of a group that works together. Communities are not always called communities online, they can be called a general number of words and phrases. Communities was first brought together to keep groups of humans alive from a separate group of humans. That's our goal, to protect ourselves from the bigger predators in the money making waters!
Our community design is on the tag principle with individualism per person branding. A community of different people will allow for a global diverse work experience. Having a group of people whom all are pushing the Anne community and system that works together. Many people say Millionaires are made by being able to handle other people's money. A community built by making money instead of having money creates a stronger bond of individuals working hard & together.
Millionaires and 6-digit yearly income entrepreneurs all have similar techniques but out of these two groups there was three sub groups intertwined together. These intertwined sub groups are people: self-made entrepreneurs holding seminars, writing books and they charge for these services to teach others what to do; business owners that were given money or a loan to buy/build companies; there are self-made business people (inventors, writers, engineers, business owners, start-up creators & even developers). I asked many of these people what their most precious tip & secret.

--> Order of operations
--> Politeness
--> Process
--> Money means nothing
--> Direction is key
--> Knowledge & Math

shock face
I had a shocked face when each gave me one or two tips & secrets and out of a few tens-of-entrepreneurs there was only 3 tips & 3 secrets. I expected dozens but no, it turns out money was one of the lest mentioned items then when it was mentioned, it's not needed.
I've studied my posts, competed with the world with services like Klout to teach my competing. I've smashed the scores of big businesses and this is my hobby...one of many hobbies. I barley spend time on socialGROW but yet is booming everyday!

10 days into the project

Yeah, 10 days! I've set .050 Steem-Power to be transferred into Steem. I processed that on day 9 but on days 5 & 6 I didn't even get online or on #Steem. I was busy at home and work so I had to skip those days. In 7 technical-days I've earned 12.+Steem & .071 Steam-power (before transfer). I'm writing this 1 day later and so check my stats.

Are you ready to change how you communicate?
Are you ready to earn like a whale but within a community so you're not alone on the money earning front?
Go back on https://Steemit.com/@Digi3D and start at the first #socialGROW post then read thru posts after that. Use socialGROW tag and welcome to success!!!!

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Nice @digi3d
Shot you an Upvote :)

Thank you @sugarfromhell i rtf