Socialism to Communism and the insanity of debt

in socialism •  8 years ago 

As usual governments in the west love to give away free stuff, yeah! They are great at making promises to the people. "Hey, vote for me and I will give you want you want". Wow! , what a great idea, let's take form the rich and give to the poor, that will solve all the problems. Really! Tell me how is that working out? The extreme wealthy hardly pay any taxes and know all the tax avoidance, while the middle class like myself get shafted. Hello!, nothing is free, get that into your thick skull you morons. The money has to come from somewhere.

With the doubling of the property prices in Vancouver in the last 9 years my property tax went from $3900 to $6800. Where is all that extra tax revenue going? When the SHTF and the prices crash, what is the City going to do when the gravy train stops.

Lenin said the following:

"Communism is socialism in a hurry."

Socialism, therefore, is Communism by gradualism rather than by revolution.

The socialist "Fabian Society," forerunner of most socialist groups in America, had as its motto "Make Haste Slowly."

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socialism and communism are where the workers control the means of production and get everything they produce.

communism is a stateless classless society.
Please stop reading American propaganda and read a paper by an actual communist.

this is a good one to start on