Why the hammer and sickle is far worse than the swastika!

in socialism •  3 years ago 


I don't think that the hammer and sickle should be treated the same as the swastika - I think it should be treated with more hatred.

Yeah, the Nazis are among the worst people in human history; but, the swastika had thousands of years of history with no association with those ass hats. It's a symbol of Jainism which is about as non-violent a philosophy as one can have. I would argue that we shouldn't let the Nazis appropriate that symbol.

There's nothing positive associated with the hammer and sickle. It's always been a symbol of despotism, slavery, and mass murder. It might be the greatest absurdity in human history that the swastika is so stigmatized and the hammer and sickle can be worn proudly.

When I see the hammer and sickle, all I can think of is a Chinese man being forced to kill his own son lest the rest of the family be murdered by the state because the child stole a bowl of rice. That's what socialism actually looks like. That's what you're supporting with the hammer and sickle.

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