in socialism •  7 years ago 



BRAIN , PRICED AT 5,000,000£.

I will like to start the article with this facts that show the very problem that Comusocialism present to the world,
Obama represent socialism and Donald G Trump represent capitalism,
even thought Trump has done more work and policies for the interest of the American people before even taking office by bringing back the car industry and factories form Mejico to USA the majority of the WORLD portray Trump as bad when is no
so but see Obama as a great guy when he is very far from that.
Comusocilism and Capitalism are the same, Communism fails were very it goes but have a very good Propaganda
Capitalism create more freedom and prosperity for the middle class than any other system but it have very bad press
mainly from Sociocomunism, incredible but true and all those who like research , reason and critical thinking will come to the same conclusion.

Obama the worst president in American history.

After the shameful expulsion of Russian diplomats for not hacking in to the Hillary campaign members email with no evidence but to keep up the propaganda of lies by Obama, like the economical recovery.
In the other hand Trump and Putin had show true leaders skills.

Also notice that under Obama the American National debt has reach 20 trillion
making Obama the biggest debt creator in World History, if you calculate all American President
debt creation combine Obama still win by a low.
The employment creation miracle was also a lie created with 90% temporary jobs as
new reports coming out following Trump win, like if the information
is use and manipulated by media, news papers and political machine as the norm in today world.
Obama care, a total fraud that has made health care cost rise by triple digits
or the promotion and defense of illegal immigrants with criminal background
No to mention the creation of ISIS, the rise of Black Lies Matte under his support
and the tension with China, Russia, Syria and old allies like Filipinos.

Lets put it this way , if Obama had stay at home during his presidency isolated would have done a
better job.

First of all Communism and Socialism are always bound to fail.

In the past decades all over the world the ideology of Communism as all the evidence
prove it kill, persecuted, jail and starve more people than any other ideologies and it always
start the same way, Communist wannabe dictators tell the working class all they want to hear during very
tough times and uneducated people vote them in to power to later suffer their genocide,
funny enough when ever socialist dictator took power they kill all their political parties members
because they thought they will have a say on how the country will be run but Dictator had other plans all along
so they shot down all their comrades to later execute the opposition too and their population as well.
first time Communism was voted you could excuse people because they did not have past reference to see what
it will be like but after that the people that promote such a cult are nothing short of stupid since all the data,
empirical facts and world example past and present always give the same result total poverty and destruction of all freedom
the working class had or was promise.

I call them stupid because they fit the very definition of the word ( stupid, those who look for a different result time and time again doing exactly the same thing
each time)

What's the difference between capitalist hell and socialist hell.
In capitalist hell, the damned must lie on a bed of nails while a steam roller drives over them. In socialist hell, it is exactly the same, except sometimes there are no nails, sometimes the steam roller is broken and sometimes the driver is too drunk to work.

Is my firm believe that education, memory and honesty will end Communism and his off spring Socialism very soon due to the extreme amount of first hand information
we have access to on the internet without the left manipulation of the media which they have now a strong hold around the world, people is waking up and this information will be keep their even thought the left will try to censor internet, flooded with fake news and bias the truth will be know because is too good, who will not love to watch leftist talking their absurd points and being confronted with fact by that leave them with the only option to shout racist to end the discussion or patriarchal or the best one just lie after lie after lie.

the amount of this videos on the web and the success that they reflect in the number of visit combine with the decline of the leftist presidents or media with similar views losing viewer by the millions in a really accelerate paste, the light at the end of the tunnel is near and then we will be able to focus on real problems with truth and fact debated by educated people on that particularly sub get that need to be fix without political correctness, ideology, bias or stupidity
getting on the way of progress.

Communism realize long ago they could not compete with capitalism so they change the name to socialism and promise a lot of goods , then after they fail time and time again they change plans and decide to bring new voters less educated to vote for them so illegal immigration was legalize behind the back of the citizen and violating not only the Constitution but the most sacred duty of a politician is the interest of their people not other countries people, when this started to fail they also unite with Islam to get their votes because they only care about the survival of their cult at all cost but all this tactics are failing faster and faster each time because they did not put in to the equation Internet the new revolution of communications which will be their worst enemy and they will try to control it but i can guarantee you no one around the world will accept any control over their internet, they will try to do it behind the scenes fast but this will fail too since we are too dependent now of our news online sources and the right to express our opinions
no matter how your feeling are hurt,
if you can not control your feeling ?
why should i control what i say ?

Lets make something clear , I'm not bias , indoctrinated or have being brought up with any ideology to give you a example I being in many Christina school
and i am a atheist.

And you will be asking how is he so sure of what he is saying, well first question will be why Capitalism is far better than Socialism ?
lets look at it like a scientist or a detective, analyze the evidence and compare both negative and positive of each system
the one that have more positives than negatives win, simple.
Communism has never created any country which people did not die of hunger, poverty and oppression
and all of those systems collapse by their own policies.
Capitalism in the other hand is the best system know to men today were all are equal under the law and
anybody can become rich if he work hard, invent, improve and create.
but the major reason why one system is far superior to the other is because one of them acknowledge human nature and the other does not, humans are not all the same like not all cultures are the same or all races to think other wise is to denies that
our greatness as the human race are all our differences , that we are not manufacture robots coming from a factory line but rather born from different parents, educated differently and growing up on totally different cultures, continent, ambient and believes.

is like men and women we both are human being so we have that in common but we are different at the same time, some sex have better skills than their counter part to accept that will help us to improve our weakness and multiply our assets making us grow but if you live in denial about those facts and in a parallel reality you will not grow rather stagnate or even worst.

YouTube will keep the Hippocratic, lies and deception of Socialism and will expose all the harm they have done for political gains.
Do not get me wrong I don't feel in no shape way or form that the right is perfect or does not have his weak links
but they are far more critical use more often self criticism which allow us to grow and love facts,evidence and empirical fact
to form our opinion because after many year of scientific advances we understood that critical thinking works
scientific research took us to the moon while propaganda and lies create Hitler which form the Social Democratic party.

Trump has mark the beginning of the end of the left and watching how immolate attacking constantly the president with crazy new levels of pure madness, a decapitated fake head of Trump, the fake news about Russia collusion when they are live videos of Obama saying to Russia LIVE that he will treat Russia better if he get elected or the thousand of email deleted and destroy whit hammer by Hillary Clinton also know as Crocked Hillary.

More evidence of what socialism does is the 8 years of Obama the worst president in the history of USA.
After the shameful expulsion of Russian diplomats for not hacking in to the Hillary campaign members email with no evidence but to keep up the propaganda of lies by Obama, like the economical recovery.
In the other hand Trump and Putin had show true leaders skills.

Also notice that under Obama the American National debt has reach 20 trillion
making Obama the biggest debt creator in World History, if you calculate all American President
debt creation combine Obama still win by a low.

The employment creation miracle was also a lie created with 90% temporary jobs as
new reports coming out following Trump win, like if the information
is use and manipulated by media, news papers and political machine as
the norm in today world.

Obama care, a total fraud that has made health care cost rise by triple digits
or the promotion and defense of illegal immigrants with criminal background.

No to mention the creation of ISIS, the rise of Black Lies Matte under his support
and the tension with China, Russia, Syria and old allies like Filipinos.
Lets put it this way , if Obama had stay at home during his presidency isolated with no access to internet, he would have done a far better job.


Once again the left use people misery for their own gains claiming all policemen are racist and that they only focus on black people
but for some bizarre and estrange reason they do not care of the statistics on black crime related issues which will answer all their ideas.
First , if a small percentage like that black population committee a lot more crimes than any other racial group like also Muslims do and you blame the police to be extra caution when dealing with the people that are most likely to be a criminal is prove enough that you don't care about blacks
specially when you don't care at all about all the black on black crime witch is the major reason black are being kill today.
The same happen when Muslims and they made up a new term call Islamophobia, when the percentage of Muslim crime is incredible off the charts in every country they go if police focus on the people that are more likely to committee crimes to enforce the law in a far more effective way they will claim is discrimination disregarding completely the safety of law abiding citizens and their future.


The brains of the left some time in the past decided to also use the Muslim ideologies for their own ends, and today is a world wide trend were they blame the victims of terrorism and right after a attack of Alla devout Muslims the first words they have is for Muslims totally alienating the vast majority of their voter for now, which is at the very least bizarre but they realize is their last bullet in the chamber before they complete loss it all so they will sacrifice men , women and children for a single vote.

And you would ask yourself, How could they loose power having all the universities, school, news papers, major tv channel, tv celebrities and Hollywood lunatics on their side is beyond me and i choose to believe that it was those brave men and women that has change the world for the better many times and they did it yet again against all odds this fight has not better representation than the election of 2016 were Mr Donal G Trump challenge the system and won a example of drive, focus and self determination but adobe all love for ones country and people, lets not forget our countries are a direct reflection off our ancestors battles, sacrifice, hard work and way of thinking... don't you ever again allow the Left to trash your home land while they enjoy the sacrifice and liberties they criticize so much yet they still live under that, according to them tyrannical and racist system....HIPPOCRATES.


One of the biggest lies ever created by the left is that workers must vote for them and that is a oxymoron since all the policies
they create are against the working class, this is support by decades of data in many countries even today.
Very often socialist claim that Capitalism kills many people and socialism is the solution when in fact socialism is also responsible because now a days socialist policies are also implemented in capitalist countries, they infiltrate the best system to protect freedom and personal property
while stooping progress from with in they claim that they are the solution when is exactly the opposite since all the major fault of poverty in capitalistic system
is the socialist decision like , multiculturalism ( allowing illegal immigration witch )

Central Bank

This entity was in the Communist manifesto, to create a central bank to control centrally the economy but today socialism claim that is not so when is embedded in their communist history and is beyond debate, remember Nazism, Socialism , Communism, Feminazis, Multiculturalism are very similar to Islam
they all claim it has being never implemented properly that is why did not work when we know this is a lie,
They will defend their ideologies no matter how many facts base in their own ideological sources, historical facts or modern reference of their failure you bring to the table is just impossible to maintain a honest debate.
and they will never ever admit they are wrong on anything because self criticism to improve is not existent in their ideologies
which feed on propaganda and stupidity.

Next time you see prices going up remember is not the price of things that is going up is the purchase power of your currency with is going down
for decades and that is how the Federal Reserve, European central Bank, FMI steal money from you, printing to extinctions the currency
so it lose value while then middle class does not even care of what is going on, Useful Idiots indeed with majority are on the left and proud to be, morons.


First of all you must understand why the left want to increase with no control and against the law and the interest of their voter
massive number of illegal immigrants, they don't want to help those people if they did they will not force them to risk their lives and they will have a control system were they come safe and in order.

When Communism collapse by his own weight they mutated to Socialism now the Communism and Socialism work well on poor people with no education because they promise thing that can not be meet whit their policies so they lie and deceive for power since the people now thanks to capitalism are not so poor and uneducated they don't like listening to the Left saying they will take their private possessions they work so hard for to do with them what ever they see fit, soon they realize that they need to change tactics to survive and create more poverty so they decide to bring uneducated poor people illegally to import votes with the tax payer money giving them free health care, education,roads, food stamp, sanctuary cities, etc

They argue they want to help and is a obligation when their solution is not a solution to anybody specially the illegals
and allow me to explain, first if you bring non stop poor people in to a healthy economy, that will bring down that economy
not only keeping poor the new comers but creating more poverty with in the middle class and minorities of that place.

And another way to put it , if you really want to tell those persons you must implement A FREE CAPITALIST DEMOCRACY
in their country of origin so they become rich in their own country and do not have to risk their lives, enrich the mafia
and live illegally whit the constant fear of being deported because they are breaking the law of the countries they claim to like
even though many of the new arrival hate the countries they take money from with open hands.

and last but not least the fault that a country is poor is mostly the fault of the population of that country
and in a smaller percentage of outside influence, claiming that the state of any country is all fault of foreign influence
is very racist because you assume that the people of that country are all morons , stupid and not a single one can think for themselves.
Since politicians are a reflections of the people from that country if those politicians did not accept brides, run the country
thinking on the best interest of the people and not their own families or ideology they could become organize, successful and rich or at least self sustainable.
There are many examples in history of countries that get out of poverty and many more that are on the way and in every single case all implemented a Capitalist system with no exception in one degree or another being the most free for commerce the most successful.

Claim that charging 90 tax to the rich will fix thing or even taking rich people money by force,
the best way to express this dementia and nonsensical argument is a video made by a American TV channel were a student ( socialist of course ) argue that people will like to pay 90 tax and that will end poverty when it could not even take care of the health care expense for 3 years if you took all the money from the richest country in the country.

But that is not even possible and socialist will never understand this because they don't know about history or economy and
not even think about economical history, rich people have armies of lawyers, tax experts and they are them self very well inform on how to take care of their hard work earn money so they will take the money the very same day the SOCIALIST claiming to pass that law come to power creating a capital flight that will bankrupt the country in record time, the left can not even grasp this concept because first
they base all their solution in that one police and second they have never being challenge on their idiotic views
because they only hear and see what they wish to see they are Modern Zombies just under Muslims, they are at a complete different level of indoctrination.


What would happen if a socialist republic were established in the middle of the Sahara desert?
Within three years, it would have to import sand.


The history repeat it self yet again were the so call pacifist start to attack and persecute other people for thinking different than them as the constant attack on USA, Europa, Australia, South America show the left do not like to lose or to follow basic democratic laws and they chose to manifest in a violent way when thing don't go their way, is like a little child when he was educated poorly
giving everything they ask and telling them that effort is not need it to archive thing and that losing is the same as winning.

They enjoy freedom of expression but try to bloke and silence those with different views due to the fact that is offensive to them failing to understand that is offensive speech the one that is specially protected, that call people racist and Nazis when they are doing the same the Nazis did.

After Donald Trump won, UK vote for Breixit won and European right parties against illegal Muslim immigration grow
due to the constant attacks on freedom and their own interest the left decide to increase their propaganda of decades
of deep hatred of country, race and culture of one self with statements like .

All Trump voters are racist, misogynist and deplorable.
Hillari Clinton insult all the Americans that vote for TRUMP after losing the most manipulated election in the USA when all the major media channel
know after this fact as the Fake News push the Left rhetoric to the moon.
i will like to mention the channel Fox for being honest and


Sadik Khan is a by product of decades of left self destructive policies were in London now British are a minority and Muslims are a majority
that is why a Muslims major that campaign for with jihadist and defend only jihadist is running things in London now or as we will come to know
if we don't stop the left Londonistan.
Since policies fail lets divide and Conquer.

Now the tactic adopted by the left since they ar losing power in Usa and allover the world were their crazy ideas were
such a disaster that create problems that were not there before with public funds.
The good old class fight keep being fuel by the Marxist but now some new concepts are added, poor vs rich, black vs whites, illegals vs legal,
Muslims vs non Muslims, feminists vs feminazis, lies vs truth, Mexicans vs Americans.....
Like vultures waiting patiently for the corps to completely stop moving the Marxist extermination retards are waiting while they play their hate card spread by CNN, BBC and the 90£ of all TV channels which carried Hillary to the most corrupt campaign in the history of the planet and the entire world saw it live with YOUTUBE keeping it for centuries to watch and study as the end of the left thanks to the freedom of information.


Watch Socialist virus feeding of student in the video, socialist Student Gets DESTROYED on Live TV

They keep saying that they will make universities free, schools , health care, etc but nothing is for free but they are totally ignorant to this
facts because the majority of socialist have never succeed or created anything to have the knowledge necessary to understand that nothing is free some one will have to pay sooner or later but people living on welfare with low education or rich kid living of papas work can not understand this concept specially when their parent fail them when they educate them on basic principles like hard work, innovation, creation of wealth and products such as books, webs, etc


The best evidence of this that I found is in a Tv program in Spain were a successful economist educate the audience on how to save a invest to create wealth while the socialist keep shutting him down claiming is a ideological indoctrination to educate people about economies.

The left also tell us that economic education in the schools is bad and ideological so they can keep the people poor and stupid so they vote to them again but educating the middle class of a country to become rich is the best way to get a country out of poverty as the Nordic countries in Europa prove with the best economical education in Europa which in term create the richest middle class in the old continent.
let me put it this way, imagine we do a reset. Take all the money in the world and distribute it evenly.
In 10 years all that wealth will be consolidated again by the 1%. The pot smoking idiots will lose their share of the money.
The smart people will get rich again. Back to square one. These idiots don't understand that poor people are stupid and lazy
( lazy because they don't educate themselves in how economies, money, interest and wealth work)

That's just what it boils down to and they can't seem to accept that. You can throw all the money you want at a stupid and
lazy person and he will lose it eventually. I know people who have 200 million sitting in their bank and they came up from nothing.
But that's pretty hard on these poor students who are just now reaching the age where they realize 'hey, life is tough'
and wish someone would just pay their bills. So sad.?


Well lets assume that they really want to reduce crimes related with guns, if it was so they will deport all the illegal immigrant
with criminal records but they do not, they create cities to protect illegal immigrants with criminal record as long as my arms so that argument by the left is also false.

The real reason they wan guns out of their picture is simple, first they hate all types of industry and want every one dependent on the state so eliminating that massive American industry will make a lot of unemployed people which they love
and second a country were the citizens have no guns is much more ease to take over and the left is famous world wide for
taking over countries with force and propaganda, the overwhelming evidence is the mission that all leftist are now a days engage to try to take power by force with Black Lies Matter, Muslims Brotherhood, violent protests from day one, stopping the right from talking in public venues
like the Nazis in their did , blocking high ways and creating the Russian collusion narrative, the Trump racist narrative etc etc

If the left the Comusocialist really wanted to help the American people they will help the economy and give Trump a shot but they will never do it.
THEIR INTEREST ARE NOT AMERICAN PEOPLES INTEREST they prefer to protect the interest of Lenin and Stalin legacy.


It collapse all the time, which is bad because it takes a lot of lives
but also good because it stop spreading poverty once it collapse.

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