The Evil Of The Welfare State

in socialism •  7 years ago 

First of all the welfare state is a government program
and since everything the government does is violence and theft of course the welfare state is immoral,
but lets break it down a bit.
Human Wants And Human Desrires Are infinte
so if someone wants a car does that give you the right to steal my car
so lets say my friend is sick and for some reason he diddnt buy insurance
and she needs an expensive form of treatment.
he has 2 options
1st he can come and ask me for help he can appeal to our friendship
2nd you come to my house you pull a gun on me and force me to give you money so you can get the help you need
now instead of pulling a hun on me he could hire a 3rd person to do it like the mafia or the government
thats what the welfare state is a gun in your face
the welfare state is violence via proxy through the government.
Lets take another approach to this
If You Asked people in large number if they would help starving children most would say yes
And The Answer is just do it why do you need a government to do it for you.
you dont like people starving in the streets
So the answer is get together form charity commit to making donations every month and go help the homeless
or start a business and hire those people giving them a second chance
but why does your first thought is getting the government that uses a gun to do it for you
that steals our money and is completely inefficient in its redistribution.
Just Voluntarily go help peple stop using the government gun.
i am all for having a safety net or a welfare state i just believe it should be voluntary
and done through private charity not forced or coerced government redistribution.
getting the state to steal the money of rich people and give it to poor people doesnt make you moral
it makes a supporter of theft.
so you want ab welfare state go form a private charity but dont force me to participate
through the gun of the state.
All I Want Is A Voluntary Society
I Want Government Coercion Taken Out Of The equation.
Now Let’s Talk About The Economics Of A Welfare State
in a welfare state you take the people who produce the most, who work the hardest, who create the most value,
and you tax them the most and regulate them the most and you punish them throught the government the most,
with the hope that they stop producing as much in order to redistribute their wealth their money
to people who either can’t produce anywhere near as much or they are not willing to because they are lazy.
Now Does that sound like a sane system to anybody???
Now if the state taxes and regulates and punishes the most productive more and more and society calls them
capitalist scam then what motivates those same people to keep producing and keep working for that society.
I would say nothing
and thats how you eventually get venezuela and cuba
the productive people either flee get on welfare or get killed like white farmers in south africa
the incentive for working hard is living a great life
so if the state removes that incentive through heavy taxation
productive people stop working and everyone dtarves to death.
eventually In all Socialist nations productive people either leave the country or
stop working because if the state is gonna steal most of it in the end what’s the point.
So in essence you have very negative incentives to work and produce
nd very positive incentives not to work and not to produce.
The Welfare State legitimises laziness because if lazy and productive people are paid the same
why even work in the first place. wat are you? A chump.
If you want to talk about the welfare state you have to mention scandanavia
because those countries have decent economies and huge welfare states.
First of all america and scandanavian countries are like identical twins in terms of how their
governments operate economically. you have welfare state heavy taxation heavy regulation and redistribution
so the us and scandanavian countries are not that different and america regulates even more than
countries like denmark Who dont regulate banks and the finace industry nearly as bad as the us
or sweden that has provate charter schools competing wih each other for student and parent can spend
their tax dollars on schools of their choice so there is a lot of competition.and norway that has been in
the limelight recently with trump it has a lot of natural resources and sells a lot of oil
in rich asian countries lik hong kong and singapoure.
Now Scandanavian countries like sweden used to be capitalists until the early 60s when the adopted socilism
meaning welfare state heavy taxation heavy regulation and redistribution and went bankrupt in the early 90s.
So please people shut the fuck up about scandanavia.
so in the mid 90s sweden started reducing regulations and government spending cutting down on welfare programs
so in essence sweden started reducing the size of their government and As a result their economy bounced back.
But the economy is not nearly as good as it was pre-socialism.

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