Tweet right - tips for beginners

in socialmedia •  7 years ago 


Tweet right - tips for beginners
Tweet right - tips for beginners Many Twitter users remain even after years still on entry level. A Twitter beginner is often less recognizable by the age of his account than on his timeline. Simple tricks can increase the fun of Twitter.

Many Twitter users are far behind the potential of this medium because they do not know how to use Twitter better than before. It is quite simple advice that can be considered to get on Twitter to a lively exchange with other users. In addition, the timeline should not degenerate to a one-sided pin board, but you should use them for stimulating conversations

Chirping is based on reciprocity
twitter-timeline A fatal mistake of many beginners is to fill their own timeline with facts. The tweets of such Twitterers are designed to be read and forgotten by others. Often they are therefore not even read. The chirping should always instead seek an exchange. Anyone who asks questions or encourages discussion is better perceived and also finds followers. If the first follower is found, a reaction is appropriate. On the one hand, the Twitterer can become a follower of the reader. Even more important is to answer their tweets. No one wants to read a detailed thank you for every praise or comment. But now and then words of thanks or short remarks about tweets of the other are welcome. In this way, discussions and conversations can be kept alive.

Order is the half tweets
If the timeline of a new user is filled, soon any overview is lost. Different conversations, reactions to the most varied tweets, and remarks on manifold followings are connected to one another in a random manner. If you do not create an order here, you will soon lose the fun of twitterning. A good option is lists, in which tweets are collected on specific topics, by certain users or with other similarities. These are then arranged in a separate timeline, so that the conversations can be followed closely. It is also possible to subscribe to lists of other users, so you can save yourself the trouble of finding many relevant Twitterers on a topic. But these lists only work if the tweets are properly tagged.

The Benefits of Hashtags and Mentions
twitter-hashtagsWho answers directly to a tweet, a reply writes by putting the name of the Twitterer (including the @ sign) at the beginning of his text. The answer is shown to the one in his timeline. Also, anyone who follows both this Twitterer and the respondent can read the answer. If you want to recommend a Twitterer to other readers, you can write a phrase instead of a Reply. In this case, the Twitter name is not named at the beginning, but in the middle of the tweet. Even a point before the @ can make a Reply from a Reply. Such a tweet is shown not only to the followers who follow the above, but to anyone who wants to read the writer's tweets. Another ordering system is the hashtag. Looted terms are often used in public discussions. These hashtags are used to make arguments and comments on a specific topic public. Hashtags are easier to search for and discussion posts are easy to sort. Anyone who provides their own tweets with the correct hashtags is therefore also discovered by readers who do not yet follow one. In this way, new followers can be found easily.

The Twittikette
In every social space rules of coexistence apply, to which everyone should adhere. Violations are not always punished with an exclusion, but you will rarely be popular as a rambunctious. For example, Twitter does not like to copy original tweets from others. If you consider the tweet valuable enough to make it available to your own followers, retweet it instead. On a retweet, the original author remains the creator. But you put it in his timeline so that all your own followers can discover the tweet. It is also appropriate to include comments on a person whose Twitter name as Mention in the tweet. Only then can this person read the comment and comment on it. Finally, it should be noted that a tweet in hindsight can not be changed. It is theoretically possible to delete a comment. But the internet does not forget anything. Often, the unthinkable sentence is preserved on Google or in other databases for a long time. Each tweet should therefore be formulated wisely.

Make a good figure
Anyone who does not come to a desired number of followers with all these advices should check his profile. The more complete this is, the better readers can get to know one another. Anyone who provides important information here will give potential followers the opportunity to get an idea of ​​their counterparts. Those who recognize a complete person behind the tweet often wish to read more sentences from that person. In addition, it makes sense to always pay attention to which tweet one is associated with. Those who do not write tweets for a long time, for example overnight, will look better when a particularly original sentence completes the timeline. A brilliant tweet shortly before bedtime should therefore lead to further remarks being postponed until the next morning.

Twitter tricks in the fast run
If you do not want to work like a beginner on Twitter for years, you should always pay attention to the reciprocal nature of the conversations. If you understand Twitter as an anonymous wall, instead of watching the people behind the tweets, it will be hard to find friends in this medium. The rules for a successful use of Twitter therefore essentially correspond to the rules for interpersonal relations in the real life:

Communication is an exchange: pure fact tweets must be supplemented by questions and answers.
Attention requires concentration: conversations can be separated by lists and thus more attentively pursued.
Openness is welcome: Remarks about other Twitterers always with Mention.
Maintaining the topic: To make conversations complete, hashtags are placed on topics.
Originality instead of plagiarism: Do not write off tweets, but retweet.
With these tricks, Twitter becomes a forum where interesting conversations, funny anecdotes and numerous friends can be found.

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