What is Social Media?
- Social Media was interactions among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.
- But, the social media now is huge number of people begin spending the bulk of their disappearing free time in an openly torturous environment.
- Internet Central platforms are social media and it is build around personal profiles.
Social Media Delusion
Divorce from the bygone reality of realism
Facebook has become tedious, trivial, and exhausting. - Instagram has become Three-ring circus of happiness, popularity, and success. - Twitter has become a discursive promise place, where everyone tweets about complaint.
Where we had once been free to be ourselves online, we were now chained to ourself online, and this made us self conscious!. To show your an Social Active Person you've to communicate in order to maintain a internet presence, the main purpose of this communication is to make yourself look good. This is why everyone tries to look so hot and well traveled on Instagram. This is why everyone seems so smug and triumphant on facebook. This is why on Twitter making a righteous political statement has come to seen like a political good in itself.
Social Media has bought narcissism into the mind of students and young adults, turning them into self-made celebrities. Social media started making people materialistic, and females started objectifying themself in the word of SELF LOVE,FEMINISIM,MY LIFE MY RULES. Social media totally changed the whole perspective of life. Fundamental premise of the identity economy is looking stupid right now. No one wants to see celebrity posting pictures, video in their mansions talking about wellness routines. No one wants to see influencers posting photos of themselves in beautiful, novel environment because that means they left the house.
Social Media abuses like cyberbullying, domestic abuse, emotional abuse, and threats like rape threat, death threat and harassment all concealed under the banner of free speech.
Physical and Psychological Effect of Social Media
There are some effects of social media use on brain function and structures, as well as physical and mental health, education, social interaction, and politics, are increasing. There is a study showing intensive usage of social media is reducing working memory capacity ; in psychological problems, from depression to anxiety and sleep disorders. Most digital media users glance at and multitask from one item to next -a habit that might reduce attention span and it contributes that the fact that Multitasking with digital media causes higher incidence of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) , two arguments support the hypothesis that intensive digital media use is related to impairments in working memory: simply seeing a smartphone (not even using it) lowers working memory capacity and leads to decreased performance in cognitive tasks, due to the fact that part of the working memory resources are busy ignoring the phone, in addition, the more that people use their smartphones in a multitasking modus (switching quickly between different engagements of the mind), the easier they respond to distraction and indeed perform more poorly in task-switching exams than users who rarely try to multitask.
Repetitive use of touchscreens can reshape somatosensory processing in fingertips, and they also indicate that such representation in the thumb can change within a short time frame (days), depending on use. Somatosensory cortex (S1) plays a critical role in processing afferent somatosensory input and contributes to the integration of sensory and motor signals necessary for skilled movement. Therefore, one can conclude that cortical processing is continuously shaped via digital media use.
The development of the visual system can be affected by the content of digital media. To explore this, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to scan brain from adult subjects who had played the game Pokémon intensively when they were children. It was already known that object and face recognition is achieved in higher visual areas of the ventral visual stream, mainly in the ventral temporal lobe. Only adults with intensive Pokémon experience during childhood showed distinct distributed cortical responsiveness to Pokémon figures in the ventral temporal lobe near face-recognition areas. These data—as a proof of principle—indicate that digital media use can lead to a unique functional and long-lasting representation of digital figures and objects even decades later. Surprisingly, all Pokémon players showed the same functional topography in the ventral visual stream for Pokémon figures. Also, here it is not clear whether these data simply show the tremendous plasticity of the brain to add new representations for novel classes of objects to the higher visual areas or whether object representation from intensive digital media use might have negative consequences for face recognition and processing as a consequence of competition for cortical space. Another area of interest is whether the development of processes related to language (semantics and grammar) is by any means affected by intensive digital media use, a clear correlation was observed between intensive early childhood digital a media use and poorer microstructural integrity of white-matter tracts, especially between the Broca and Wernicke areas in the brain. Language comprehension and capacity are highly correlated with the development of these fiber tracts, reading skills might be compromised if fiber tracts between the language areas are not developed to their full extent.
High brain plasticity induced by intensive use of digital media. In detail, the effects observed are amazing, but overall, it has been previously shown that the brain changes its functional and structural connectivity with usage, in other words, due to learning, habits, and experience. Neurons in human cortex and hippocampus, as well as in subcortical areas, are highly plastic, meaning that changes in neuronal activity patterns, for example, generated by intensive training, change synaptic function as well as synaptic structure. Synaptic plasticity builds the foundation for adjusting the postnatal brain in response to experience and is the cellular implementation for learning and memory processes. Changes in neuronal activity due to usage, training, habit, or learning are stored in assemblies of neurons and not in single nerve cells. Plasticity by this means happens at the network level by altering the synapses between neurons and is therefore called activity-dependent synaptic plasticity. The digital media, social networks, or simply the internet—will have an imprint on the brain, linking multitasking mode with cellular synaptic plasticity, activation of three inputs impinging on the same neuronal population within a narrow time window (as is the case of humans trying to multitask) leads to the arbitrary strengthening of inputs, and not necessarily the strongest. This means the storage of relevant facts may be compromised if the input to a neuronal network in a particular brain area exceeds its limit of processing power.
The WHO now includes internet-use disorder (IUD) or internet gaming disorder/internet addiction (IGD) in the International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision (ICD-11). Addiction is characterized as a chronic relapsing disorder, depicted by compulsion to seek and use either a substance or a behavior. Some studies found a correlation between brain anatomy alterations and social networking site (SNS) addiction. It specifically shows that intensive interactions with social media can be correlated to gray-matter alteration of brain areas involved in addictive behavior. Also, other studies reported that intense use of social media can lead to a profound effect on neuronal structures in the human brain.