Social Network - OurFreedomGram

in socialmedia •  2 months ago 

A defunct social network, where I had an account, was known as OurFreedomGram. It was founded by the same person, who created OurFreedomBook. This social network, in itself, was a knock-off of Instagram. It had the basic functions, similar to Instagram. Users could follow other users. At the same time, they could post pictures and short videos. Of course, other users could like and comment below those pictures or videos, just as with Instagram. In addition, just as as with Instagram, users could choose their privacy options. At the same time, they could choose their own usernames. My username, was, as usual, pliutkus. The last time, that I have used this social network, was in April of 2023. Nevertheless, I seldom used this social network, since I have spent most of the time on Instagram. The only reason, I have created an account on this site, was to use an alternative platform, if Instagram became unpopular, and went the way of MySpace.

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