How to built your audience on social media ?

How to built your audience on social media.jpg

Goal definition
After defining your target audience, the next step is to define your goals as a business owner. While the main goal of any business is to increase sales, there are other creative goals that can be achieved through social media. Effectively used

It can make your brand unique and distinct from its competitors.
You can connect with your audience in a more personal way.
Get traffic to your website.
Can be used for customer support.
Make new announcements about new things in your business.
It helps build brand loyalty.
Generate leads using paid and free social media practices.
Communicate with customers.
Looking at these different goals that provide benefits, we can say that social media has the potential to impact your bottom line.

Find your target audience
Now that you have created your audience profile and got a clear idea of ​​your goals, you can take the next step to find your target audience. What is important for this is to decide which social media platform your audience will use. If you go deeper, you can also investigate the platforms they actively use. Here's a quick guide to active members on different social media platforms, age groups, available goals and objectives.

Active members: 1.3 billion
Age group: 25 to 54 years old
Best for: Build relationships with target customers

Active members: 660 million
Age group: 30-49
Best for: Business Development, B2B Business

Active members: 600 million
Age Group: 18-29
Best for: PR

Active members: 200 billion
Age Group: 18-29
Best for: Lead generation, brand awareness

Active members: 1 billion
Age Group: Any age
Best for: brand awareness

Active members: 70 billion
Age group: 25 to 34 years old
Best for: Brand Authority, B2C Lead Generation
We hope that these statistics will help you find out the purpose of using social media for your business. And the numbers don't lie.

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