How to choose right social media platforms according to your target audience

How to choose right social media platforms according to your target audience.jpg

As a B2B software company, choosing the right social media platform will give you the best return on your time invested. Before using a social media platform for a B2B software company, you need to understand your target audience and overall goals.

So, how do you choose the best social media platform for your business?

Tip: Narrowing down your favorite platforms to a few will help you focus your efforts and get the best return on investment.

Determine who your audience is
Identify your target audience and profile your average buyer. Be as specific as possible. Targeting the wrong audience will waste time and money. Reflect on:

Who is your target audience?

What is your income and education?

What age group do you belong to?

What are they interested in outside your product or service?

Goal definition
As a business owner, your primary goal is to attract customers and drive sales. Many brands even use social media to build customer relationships, solve customer problems, and provide real-time support.

For example, Netflix, an on-demand media company, uses the Twitter handle @Netflix to solve customer service issues. It not only frees up a phone line, but also gives satisfied customers the opportunity to promote your brand.

Find your audience
After you've done the two social media tasks above, it's time to find your target audience. To do this, you'll need to look at the demographics of users on each platform and find out which one your audience primarily uses.

What are some successful social media marketing platforms that can help software and technology companies stay on the cutting edge of the industry?

In the age of digitization, prospects typically check their social media presence before doing business. So, to increase your chances of selling online, it's important to stay religiously social across all bases and across all burgeoning social media platforms.

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