The Trap Of Social ServicessteemCreated with Sketch.

in socialservices •  7 years ago 

I feel for people who have fallen into the trap of relying on one of the main problems in society (government) to provide their means of survival. I wish we had the community structure in place to truly help those in need. It appears that this was done by design to make both ends of the coin dependent on the system, after all the people not receiving government support are, for the most part, happy to be free of the responsibility of helping their neighbors.


But it is this system that is causing the scarcity and need for the government run "community" funds that really empower no one. These cities and municipalities spend enough on fireworks to end homelessness. Here is a quote from the Edmonton Sun;

The spending plan forecasts debt ballooning from $54 billion this year to $96 billion by 2023

I wouldn't want to be relying on these guys to take care of me. I have friends in a bad situation, with the only extended hand being the one that causes the problems.

I am guilty of not being as community orientated as I should be and it is one of the shadows I must work on. I just made a post about unity. All of these issues are really one issue - We have not yet, as a majority of society, done what it takes to live in a free and abundant society. Realistically, at the very least, all basic human necessity should be provided in abundance for free. I hope one day we can get there. This will not be granted to us. We must work and even fight for it.

Everything I say is out of love for freedom and truth. If some are offended along the way it is unfortunate and unintended, but inevitable. We don't have time to tip-toe on terminology these days. The time is now to change our reality. Relying on our slave owners (yes they're mine too) to support us ,or the communities around us, will not lead to freedom.

  • Are those relying on government funding more or less likely to speak out about government?

  • Are those relying on government for funding likely to desire getting rid of the government all together?

Just as it is harder for a police officer to see the wrong in acts of the state, so to is it harder for those relying on the state to see that we do not need the state. The government prefers it that way.

It is my goal to work towards freedom and abundance for all! I want all of the people to have what they need in abundance, not under restriction and scarcity. Most people receiving funding can barely survive! The food banks are a joke full of poison processed food and the medical system is killing people!

We need everyone to wake up to the totality of this shit, including social services bullshit. The government would have us all collecting our checks from them and working government welfare jobs if they could help it. Again, no condescending tone here people. I have multiple members of my family relying on Disability funding, etc. I grew up in a single parent home and our family used government assistance when I was young. My mom was trapped. She had to do certain shit to keep her funding and never had enough to rise out of that situation until she stopped receiving it. I see my friends who collect. They are not empowered, they are trapped. A trap is something you can't get out of. The government acts as if they have all these programs to help folks get independent - it's all bullshit!

No one reading this should be offended. Take the knowledge and become empowered. We need everyone to work towards the freedom of humanity, including all of those who are being taken advantage of by the system, regardless of how that is. I've have had to break free of many things in my journey to freedom. I still am on that journey and have many more to break free of. This subject I speak of out first-hand experience. I encourage all people to start providing something for themselves. Become self sufficient in even one aspect of your life. Begin to break free of this. I chose to quit my job as I determined it was an immoral practice on the corporate side of an industry. I now make less than I ever have but I am also more self-sufficient and more free in many ways. We all have to make sacrifices for freedom to become a reality.

I am not telling anyone to give up their only means of survival, however: collecting government funding is receiving funding from criminals. This money is largely stolen from hard-working people against their will in a form of coercive slavery called taxation. Paying money to government is paying money to criminals. I do my best to not pay anything to these thugs and I do not collect anything. We need to start the transition towards freedom.

Am I able to take care of myself? Yes. Does that put me in a position where I am directly responsible to help my neighbors who can not help themselves? It sure does. Again, we need both sides of the coin to work together to make this happen and the government has to come out of the middle of it. They are the problem, but they persist due to our inaction. It needs to begin in the mind. We need to change the way we think about things. That's all I'm asking. Change the way we think, see reality for what it is and talk about it non-stop with everyone! That's step one - raising awareness.

It is a sad state of society when humans are left on the streets like stray dogs while abundance for all lies just within our grasps.

Give me feedback. Are there any who are reading this post, who receive government funding, that feel empowered by the government programs?

Thanks for reading! All post are made out of love with goal of propagating freedom and abundance for all. Please check out my blog @jayanarchon for many more freedom, health and cannabis related posts. The first part of this post is a comment left on a post by @drutter: Another F#@%!^& rent increase?? It, and my following reply turned into a post of it's own. The comment is slightly edited but no meaning or relevant terminology has been changed.

Peace Everyone

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Im not a big fan of welfare programs. They always seem to get bigger and bigger. It is not sustainable growth. All welfare projmgrams should be self funded and opt in. Or at worst have a main goal of getting people off them asap.

I'm totally opposed to government in every form. Period.

It's not by accident... they know exactly what they are doing.

As I mentioned, the government would have us all on the dole working government assigned jobs if they had their way - and they will if we do not unite with the common goal of freedom.

Thanks for the comment!

Ive been thinking of getting some sort of a gorilla gardening program going. Citizens would go into their local parks and plant fruits and vegetables. We have so many parks in this country all maintained on tax payer dollars. Why are they not growing food at each and everyone to help feed the country!?!

I think it's quite obvious that abundance and the benefit of all are not concerns of 'the powers that think they be'.

I like the way you think! Let's take our power back and begin to do things that make us less dependent on the state!

Nice article! I wrote one last week about how the government benefits from people being on benefits , but from a more personal view. The points you made about it are very cool also..

Are those relying on government funding more or less likely to speak out about government?

Are those relying on government for funding likely to desire getting rid of the government all together?

I didnt even think of it like that! Big Love and keep up the great work!

Thanks for the comment and positive support! I'll have to check your post out!

Again, these points for thought are meant to unite us, not divide us!

Of course its all about uniting! (and getting people to wakey wakey!)

Heres the link to it if you want something to read from my view :)

Big love!

Thanks for sharing your perspective, sorry my upvote is only worth just that.

This is all done by design. I think after as much time as we've had with government their agenda is quite apparent to those aren't ignoring it (ignorant). Government is not here to empower us. The general public is not becoming more healthy, wealthy, educated, empowered and free. We are not living in abundance. The governments are bankrupt corporations run by criminals.

The funny thing is - a job is also a trap. You are dependent on someone else finding work and requiring your services. It is also a form of slavery as they are deducting government taxes without the workers consent. Many skills performed within a compartmentalized corporation and the service industry hold no practical value in real survival or community based situations. It is very easy to become stagnant, "buy" a home and do the same thing till you die... some life. At least you have 2 cars, a boat and a vacation home to give the government when you pass.

Like you said, it's all about uniting! Let's get self-sufficient, healthy, educated and community orientated and become free!

Thanks brother, I'll be watching your blog.

You worded it perfectly "its all designed" 😊 take care mate! Im sure ill catch more of your work although im not online that often like others 😀