Kids attacking teachers: What has the world come to?

in society •  5 months ago 

I'm not suggesting that all teachers are beyond reproach but there are other ways to handle truly bad teachers.

I was a rather naughty kid when I was in primary and secondary school to the extent that I would push boundaries and was a rather loud class clown particularly when I was in elementary school. I got a bad grade in "conduct" virtually every grade report and was regularly in detention. I would be reprimanded rather severely when I would turn in my report card because of this because I had responsible parents.

I went to school with some kids that were a lot more rough around the edges in my days, but there is one thing that never happened EVER in any of the schools I attended: No one would have ever physically assaulted a teacher. Sure there was a time or two that someone would get into a heated shouting argument with a teacher and they would be sent to the principal's office and then not be at school for a few days and then they would return with an altered attitude for the most part - because people's parents did actual parenting at home.

These days I think the world has gone mad.


These days it seems like this is a common thing and the videos make it online like it is something for the student to be proud of. There was the story of this rather huge kid who bodyslammed his teacher over the teacher repeatedly asking him to turn off his Nintendo Switch and eventually taking it away from him.


While we had our fair share of school-yard scraps, no one would have ever dreamed of doing something like this. So what has changed in the world? Well for one thing parents are not doing their jobs and the second thing is that teachers are not allowed to punish students anymore IMO. I know that I feared the wrath of my parents far more than any threat that a teacher would ever present to me but that isn't the main reason why I didn't do it. I didn't do that because I was taught and knew as I grew up that I was to respect my elders an these days, I think a lot of that has gone out the window.

Recently in Winston Salem in my home state of North Carolina, a student had a expiative-filled argument with a teacher when he slapped her, then the teacher who did not react tried to placate the student and the student slapped her again, knocking her glasses off her face then called the teacher a "bitch" while threatening her further.

The student will face disciplinary action by the school and is charged with 3 crimes, all of which are misdemeanors. The school has also recommended that the student be expelled.

While this is good that they are doing something, I don't think that it is enough. I have no images of the student because they are a minor, and the video has been taken down by the time that I got this information so I don't even know the sex of the student. This person is probably a minor, so the charges against them, even if convicted, isn't likely to have any sort of real effect on changing their behavior and I fear that I am correct when I say that since the authorities are not going to be able to do anything lasting to the student, that very little about their attitude is going to change. They will just transfer the student to some other school, where he or she will enter said school with some notoriety and perhaps get back to this sort of behavior once again.

To quote Eminem: "Apparently, you aint parents" and unfortunately I believe this is a very large portion of why we see so much more violence just generally speaking in the USA today. That and the pressure to score points on social media, where this person could potentially become a hero like the other assholes out there that praise this sort of behavior.

When i was in school the teachers were allowed to hit us to a certain degree. Not like beat the hell out of us, but they were allowed to slap us on the hands with rulers. They also were given a relative "blank check" on how much out of classroom extra work they could administer towards us. I recall having to write a fellow student's name hundreds of times during recess rather than getting to go and have fun outside simply because I called another student "pizza face."

We basically were never allowed to get away with even minor infractions, let alone getting into a massive shouting contest that turned into fisticuffs.

I don't have any children and given how today's society is, I'm quite pleased that is the case.

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