in society •  8 years ago 

A great presentation by Tim Pool on the merger of politically correct censorship and censorship by all-reaching technology that is getting deeper and deeper involved in all aspects of our lives. Covers Cassandra Fairbanks getting booted off OKCupid for her "wrong views" and a great many other horrifying stories.

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When we ban extremist or unpopular views, we invite in censorship that will eventually affect us all. It's a horrible idea and one we have not learned from, time and time again.

With the communication technology in place today banning anyone from communicating their views is not possible. Driving them underground may be possible - but that is about the extent.

And yes, you are absolutely right when you say,

we invite in censorship that will eventually affect us all.

And, naturally, what is extreme? I would opine Cassandra Fairbanks is not an extremist by far. And, to give you another example - just last night I had someone effectively end a discussion with me because I dared suggest that Black people have a capacity for being racist. That clearly was viewed as a statement so outrageous as to be beyond pale - even though, by any objective measure, it was a statement of fact.