Katie Pavlich: How Feminism is Linked to Marxism | PhilosophyInsights

in society •  7 years ago 
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In recent decades, feminist writers and scholars have drawn attention to the variety and dissemination of male supremacy practices in our contemporary society. They have described the mechanism through which it is inculcated, normalizes and reinforces female subordination from children's tales and reaching television commercials. Feminists have taken the lead in exposing many of the pathological manifestations of this sexual discrimination in private life: ranging from sexual harassment to rape and domestic violence. Before the resurgence of women's movements at the end of the years ' 60, liberal or leftist critics did not pay attention to these issues. Feminists have also been active in international campaigns against female genital mutilation in Africa, female infanticide in Asia and the imposition of the use of the headscarf in the Islamic world. But, while feminist analysis is often useful in highlighting the prevalence of sexual discrimination in capitalist society, it inevitably fails to make the connection between male supremacy and the system of class domination that sustains it.

OK... personally I tend to think that women are no less likely to participate in class dynamics than men.

How would you argue that there is a merger of class and gender oppression?