RE: Getting out of the Hamster Wheel. Getting into my Voluntary World.

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Getting out of the Hamster Wheel. Getting into my Voluntary World.

in society •  8 years ago 

Awesome article filled with thought provoking ideas, the concept you illustrate is the very basis of all anarchic thought, the idea of being controlled. The sound mind yearns for what's beyond, but solutions must be practical, and action must be made with haste, for this society cannot sustain itself for much longer. For one to think freely, the environment must be structured to catalyze freedom of thought and action. The first step would be to collapse the need for currency on a societal scale.

Sustainable or "off-the grid" communities may be a great solution if exectuted in a practical manner. Interest groups can propose these ideas to progressive local governments in any country who are willing to listen. These governments can support the planning of new cities/towns built to sustain itself, or convert old cities/towns to sustainable status. Though convincing any local or federal instituion in the US may be difficult seeing as any progressive idea that threatens profiablility, regardless of it's benefit to society, would be met with rejection or even hostility.

Cryptocurrencies are great, but I don't believe they will change the level of dependency our society has on the concept of currency. Our basic needs must be met without the presence of currency. You mention taxes, war, and involuntary work as prominent issues in today's society. Decreasing or eliminating our dependency on currency and forming close geographic or digital communities can render the aformentied issues virtually resolved. I believe "off the grid" communities are a practical solution, but the issue stands to be able to present the solution to the public in an enticing manner, and to use the power of the internet to brainstorm other solutions for the future of the world. Thank you for the article. Peace.

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