The world we find ourselves is so depressing most of the time. There are many out there that feel just the way Fukumineko did. I happen to be one of them. As a student in a third world country things get really bad. It seems as if the teachers are not being paid. They want to sell everything to you to make money. The funny thing is, if you do not read on your own going to school is a waste of time hear. When you enter the exam hall, we are asked to answer questions that weren't taught. What the teachers care about is word for word answers from their materials. They do not care if they are passing any knowledge at all.
I believe Crypto studies should be included in the scheme of works of many students. Learning about outdated technologies gets really boring. I talk to friends reading banking/finance and they know nothing about Cryptos, some haven't even hear of bitcoin. The educational system needs to improve in third world countries.