I think the worse problem in our society is our polarization.

in society •  2 years ago 


Because of our polarization, we cannot solve our problems. Because if part of the answers can be found with the other team then Americans are not willing to accept those answers.

Think about Covid where the right did not want to accept vaccination and the left did not want to accept opening up the country until long after we had to keep it closed. The polarization keeps us angry at each other and have contempt for each other. At times, it seems that our county is in a dysfunctional marriage that we cannot leave. It is reasonable to consider whether we will survive.

But recently I have come to realize another implication of our polarization. Because of our polarization, we tend to dehumanize those we disagree with. We think that members of the other team have no redeeming value. Compromise is not acceptable in our minds. The other side must be defeated at all costs.

Since there is no compromise, there is only one way forward in the minds of many in our polarized society. That way forward is the total destruction of the opposing group. Total victory so that our political team is free to do what they want is seen as the way to make society better. Of course, such an attitude leads to a willingness to accept hypocrisy according to one’s principles and a willingness to continue to see those on the other team as subhuman.

There are two problems with this. First, our political system is set up in a way where it will be difficult for any political group to hold total power for a long enough time to overhaul our society. So we go from Democrats in power to Republicans in power and then back to the Democrats. The cycle goes on and became a source of frustration as neither the Democrats or the Republicans can hold on to power long enough to make the changes they see as necessary.

Ironically, the second problem would arise if either the Democrats or the Republicans were able to hold on to power for a long period of time. After a time of polarization where both sides have dehumanized the other side, the temptation to take away the rights of those on the other side will be too great for powerful politicians to resist. Regardless of whether those are the right are in power or those on the left if they gained too much power, I am certain it will be abused. To me, this is scarier than the first problem.

At some point, I hope we can learn to listen to each other and find compromises again. That we can learn how to work together rather than be at each other's throats. But I suspect that this will not happen for a long time.

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