in sociolinguistics •  7 years ago  (edited)

1. Introduction

Instead of code-switching and code-mixing have become an interesting phenomenon to study in particular of language usage in society because it is part of development process and use multiple languages (bilingual) or a mixture of (multi-lingual). In general, code switching and code-mixing occur in the community for two reasons: first, the speakers can merely communicate with the target language, and second, the diverse communication objectives (Gysels, 1992; cited in Duran, 1994). The reasons cannot be separated from the influence of linguistic diversity in a community of people who eventually intermingled to form a mixture that can be understood by the community in other words that the people who have the language A and entered by other people who have the language B so that both communities are mixed in a single community. So, naturally the language will have to pass the language development including a double and a mixture to form code-switching and code-mixing.

Then, the two concepts according to Bokamba (1989) in Ayeomoni (2006, p. 91) stated that code-switching is the mixing of words, phrases and sentence from two distinct grammatical (sub) systems across sentence boundaries within the same speech event. Code-mixing is the embedding of various linguistic units such as affixes (bound morphemes), words (unbound morphemes), phrases and clauses from a co-operative activity where the Participants, in order to infer what is intended, must reconcile what they hear with what they understand.

Based on previous statement, it is obvious that code-switching and code-mixing are part of sociolinguistics that discuss bilingual and multilingual then clearly also submitted that code-switching is a combination of 2 (two) languages and more in accordance with the rules of the incorporation of the language such as merging the word with words, phrases with phrases and sentences with phrases. Code-switching was done to make the conversation more acceptable to the listener or the speaker, while code-mixing is incorporation language in accordance with the rules by which to be heard and understood by the users of these languages and this occurs because speakers of other languages and speak with a language that is not his native language so that mixing occurs naturally. Indonesia is a country has a wide variety of cultures and languages. One of the areas that frequently code-switching and code-mixing occurred is Aceh Province. Specifically, the research is being conducted on code-switching and code-mixing used by Gurei /teacher at Pengajian in Bambi village Pidie District and the results of this research is in guidelines on the use of code-switching and code-mixing in Aceh native speakers in the Aceh.

1. Literature Review


Sociolinguistics is the study of the language function in a social context and the development of language in society. This is consistent with Noam Chomsky in Romaine (2000, p. 1) stated that sociolinguistics focus on differences in the use of language in society so that an object can be the object language learning another language. Then, Chomsky said that the question of language is the fundamental question of power. From the statement it is clear that sociolinguistics is the study of language use in a society that does not focus on the composition of sentence structure but focuses on differences in language use and language development in society. Besides that, Fishman (1972, p. 1) states that the interaction between these two aspects sociolinguistics is habits of the people of the usefulness of the language and the social composition of habitual action. With language clearly focused on the topic of social arrangement inherent in language habits society.

Bilingualism and Multilingualism

A speech community that has a relationship with another speech community, it will pass language contact. Therefore, bilingualism in Indonesian language called bilingualism (Chaer, 2004, p. 84). Of the terms proposed by Chaer, it is understood that bilingualism or relating to the use bilingualism by people bilingual speakers in their daily activities. There are several definitions of bilingualism even though essentially same. Such as by Mackey (1962, p. 12) stated that the practice of bilingualism is alternately from one language to another language by a speaker. Then, Bloomfield (1933) also found that bilingualism is the ability of a speaker to use two languages equally well. In line with the previous opinion Lado (1964, p. 214) argues that bilingualism is the ability to use 2 languages by someone with as good or almost as good, which is related to the knowledge of two languages regardless of level.

From the previous statements, it can be concluded that bilingualism is the use of two languages by a speaker in the interaction with the speaker of other language. Beside bilingualism, there is multilingualism. Actually, the concept of bilingualism and multilingualism is same. However, multilingualism is regarding the use of state of more than two languages by a speaker when communicating with others in turn (Chaer & Agustina, 1995, p. 112).


Code-switching is the use of multiple languages in the words, phrases and sentences even in a paragraph. This is according to Duran (1994) said that code switching is probably strongly related to bilingual life and may appear more or less concurrently in the life of the developing language bilinguals especially when they are conscious of such behavior and then choose more or less purposefully to use or not to use it. Based on these statements code-switching is clearly a combination of two or more languages and combines words, phrases and sentences. Then, the structure of language in code-switching does not violate the rules of drafting sentences for second or more languages. It was confirmed also by Heredia and Brown ( said that code-switching is a natural product of the interaction of 2 pieces of language. In addition, according to Hymes (1976), code switching is a change of use of two or more languages, some variations of one language or even some kinds of the style.


Code-mixing is a symptom of language usage in which “a mixing or combination of different variations within the same clause.” (Jendra, 1988, p. 94). Mixed into the code could be called (inner code mixing) if this phenomenon suggests that elements of the relatives in language and if the elements do not interfere it is out (outer code mixing). In addition, the mixed code (code mixing) described in ( that the sentence: “This morning I sudah bawa my baby tu near babysitter lah”. Based on this example occurs code mixing due to mixing speakers of both languages (code) in a mixed sentence. On code means there is a dominant language used, e.g., in the predominantly English-speaking. Speech as the dominant Indonesian officials, but interspersed with the occasional foreign language to make it look cool or acceptable

1. Method

Research Design

This research uses descriptive research. Descriptive research describes something with what it is without the influence of the researchers themselves. Descriptive research is not intended to test the hypothesis, but only reveal data obtained through descriptive expressions that can describe as the actual conditions.

This study aims to find and describe the types and factors causing the transfer of codes and codes in pengajian in Bambi Village.

Research Subject

The research subjects used in this research is Gurei or teacher at pengajian in Bambi Village which is identified to contain data transfer code or mixed code. Data collection is done when the teacher lectures at pengajian in Bambi Village. The study was conducted in May 2017.

Object of Research

The object of research used in this research is a speech that contains code transfer and code mixing from the teachers or lecturers in Bambi Village, Aceh Pidie.

Data Analysis Technique

Data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive technique. To analyze the data, researcher tries to develop it into categories or coding. The encoding used is open encoding. Open encoding is the type of encoding done during the course of the research (during data collection and analysis). Encoding is done after all data is transcribed. Furthermore, the researchers code the data containing code and mix code. Coding of code transfer data is by classifying the process of the occurrence of the transfer of code, which can be a transfer of variance code, over code variety, and transfer of language code. The characteristic of code transfer is by switching the Indonesian language to another language. Encoding mixed data is by classifying the process of code interference, which can be words, phrases, terms, reduplications, quotations, and clauses. The characteristic of mixed code is by mixing other languages ​​into Indonesian. After the classification process, then analyze the data one by one. Data were analyzed based on existing theory.

1. Research Result

This study found the types and factors that caused the transfer of codes and codes in the teacher's speech during the study in Bambi Aceh Pidie Village. Here are the types and factors behind code transfer and code mix.

Type of Code Switching (on Gurei/Teacher's Speech at pengajian in Bambi Village).

The code change that occurs in the speech of the master teacher / lecturer in Bambi Aceh Pidie Village is the transfer of internal code and external code transfer. The internal code switch is a code transfer that occurs between the local language (Aceh Pidie) in a national language (Indonesia), inter-dialect in one regional language or between several varieties and styles contained in a dialect. Internal code transfers include intercurrent transfer of code and transfer of code between variations. The internal interlanguage code transfer found in this study only transfers the code from Indonesian to Aceh Pidie. The divergence of the inter-ethnic code found in this study is the transfer of code from the official variety to the casual and casual variety to the official variety. In addition to the above variety, there is a wide variety of familiar and diverse business.

The familiar variety can usually be casual, while the variety of business can be casual or formal variety. Therefore, the transfer of internal code between the various forms of code transfer from the official variety to the casual variety and transfer the code from casual to the official variety of the external code is the transfer of code from the source language to the foreign language.

Factors Causing Code Switching (on Gurei/Teacher's Speech at pengajian in Bambi Village)

The speaker changes the code in his speech because of certain factors. Similarly, in the speech of the master teacher / lecturer in Bambi Aceh Pidie Village conducted based on the existence of certain factors. The determination of the causes of code transfer is based on the speech spoken by the speaker. To determine the causal factor, it must be adapted to the context of the situation in the speech.

Factors causing the transfer of code found in this study include:

  • The achievement of certain goals, such as notifying Something, explain something, give an example, suggest something, and ask something.

  • Changes the subject.

  • Mastery of language Speakers for example, more easily express intent, no Able Using code consistently, and having trouble finding the equivalent of a sentence.

1. Discussion

Research on the speech of the master teacher / lecturer at pengajian in Bambi village obtained the type of code transfer and mix code along with the factors that cause both events. Below is a description of the type of code transfer and code mix and its causes based on the results of the above research.

Type of Code Transfer (on Teacher's Speaker / Inside Speaker Recitals in the village of Bambi Aceh Pidie)

The code is located in the speech of the master teacher / lecturer in pengajian in Bambi Aceh Pidie Village in the form of internal code transfer. The internal code switch is a code transfusion between local languages ​​(Aceh Pidie) in a national language (Indonesia), an antardialek in a regional language or between several varieties and styles contained in a dialect. Internal code transfers include intercurrent transfer of code and transfer of code between variations. Below is a description of the type of occurrence of code transfer.

Code switching of interlanguage Indonesia to Aceh Pidie

The interlocation of internal code can occur in the source language which is the transfer of code from Indonesian to Aceh Pidie. Instead of interlanguage codes, it can be a transfer of the Indonesian language code to the Aceh Pidie language. First, speakers speak Indonesian, and then switch code to Aceh Pidie. Here is an example of transferring the Indonesian language code to the Aceh Pidie language

  • Tidak ada rencana, hana rencana, tidak ada apa namanya? Eee, peu roh istilah jih? Ini, usaha tidak ada. Dia tidak mau berencana, semuanya serahkan kepada Allah. Allah tidak suka seperti itu, kita manusia harus punya ikhtiar, payah na rencana atawa niat. Meunye ada niat jak bak pengajian beukeuh na persiapan, hana peduli hujan kek, angen, atau hal-hal yang laen. Inan-lah deuh niat kita.

(There is no plan, no plan, no what its name? Eee what is the term? There is no effort. He does not want to plan, everything is left to God. God does not like it, we are as humans must have endeavor/intentions. If there is intention of going to pengajian there should be preparation, no matter what, rain, wind, or other things. That's where our intentions appear)

  • In the above data, the speaker intends to explain something. Speakers divert the code from Indonesian to the Aceh Pidie language code. Initially, speakers use the Indonesian language to explain the importance of having a plan / intention. This is evident in " Tidak ada rencana, hana rencana, tidak ada apa namanya? Eee, peu roh istilah jih? Ini, usaha tidak ada. Dia tidak mau berencana, semuanya serahkan kepada Allah. Allah tidak suka seperti itu, kita manusia harus punya ikhtiar, payah na rencana atawa niat. ". From the above sentence, speakers intend to offend the recitation participants who actually do not intend to participate in pengajian. It was mentioned again by speakers in Aceh Pidie. This is evident in " Meunye ada niat jak bak pengajian beukeuh na persiapan, hana peduli hujan kek, angen, atau hal-hal yang laen. Inan-lah deuh niat kita.". It is intended that the speaker so that the listener can clearly understand what the speaker convey is that when carrying out all kinds of things, must be with a plan / intention is strong.

1. Conclusion

From the results and discussion above, we can conclude that code-switching and code-mixing that occurs at Pengajian in bambi village are at the level of word, phrase, and sentence and the results in this study are code-switching and code-mixing which language transfer does not violate the rules in the existing structure of the sentences on the two or more languages.

1. References

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