Sodomite Man Accuses Senator Cory Booker Of Sexual AssaultsteemCreated with Sketch.

in sodomite •  6 years ago 

It appears that Mister High and Mighty "Spartacus" with regards to the inquisition of Judge Brett Kavanaugh over unsubstantiated sexual assault claims not only admitted to sexual assault in the past, but now a sodomite man has come forward and claimed that Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) sexually assaulted him in 2014. I wonder if the Senate Judiciary Committee needs to open that up for investigation, considering the "seriousness of the allegation"; and I wonder if Feinstein, Blumenthal, Harris, Whitehouse and Hirono will lead the charge? Don't count on it.

According to an anonymous sodomite, Booker came to his workplace to speak and meet with him. However, as he was leaving the men's room, he alleges that Booker pulled him back in and began to sexually assault him.

It's rather interesting seeing that the man is a Democrat and a sodomite. That's far different than a Democrat activist like Christine Blasey Ford timing what should have been criminal allegations to be politically poignant against Judge Kavanaugh.

Also, unlike Blasey Ford's "non-memory" of her alleged sexual assault, this guy is pretty detailed about what took place.

This man attempted to have Ronan Farrow, a #MeToo reporter, write a story on it, but Farrow wasn't interested. I wonder why.

Now, he's telling his story in his own story via his attorney.

We really need to have a hearing on this, don't you agree, Senator Booker?

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