Are there any C++ craftsmen in the house? It took me 26 years to create a C++ development environment. I did it because I recognized that everyone was focused on being "first to market" and no one was taking the time for craftsmanship. So, 26 years ago, I began an infinitely difficult and personally costly effort.
I intend to release this as copyrighted open source, which means that the code is fully proprietary but is disclosed. The rights to the source are mine; I intend to transfer those rights to "humanity yet unborn", with control over the asset being held in trust by some trust entity.
I need a few people to "lift a finger" to ensure that the resulting source code and development environment isn't lost if I die. This is your opportunity to get involved in something that is a "big good thing".
To "lift a finger" in this way, you need the following:
(1) A personal computer or server that runs MS Windows.
(2) Some experience with C++ (familiar with compiling and linking to build DLL's and EXE's).
(3) A willingness to trust me.
(4) An open mind. (All of the code is written from the bottom up.)
(5) Install Open Watcom v2 (from Github).
(6) Install the WIX toolset, which is used to build the installer (msi) file.
Here are the tallies, which show the scale of the source code (number of keystrokes, lines, function definitions, symbolic constants, etc.):
IPDOS (tm) IdeaFarm (tm) Piggyback Distributed Operating System
Source Code Tallies
time: 5526a4c9.93e3b000 ( 20180512@1439 Saturday UTC )
cDefAll 7237
cExamples 1250
cStrokes 25258384
cLines 471265
cDefSymbolEarly 3
cDefSymbol 1282
cDefTypedefVariable1 11
cDefTypedefVariable2 10
cDefTypedefFunction 61
cDefClass 372
cDefFunctionPrototypeAsm 2
cDefFunctionPrototype 283
cAsmInclude 2
cDefIncludeSnippet 16
cDefIncludeSnippetSpecial 10
cDefGlobalDeclaration 24
cDefInlineFunctionAsm 60
cDefInlineFunction 3
cDefGlobal 1
cPlainCLanguageFunctions 10
cDefFunctionAsm 3
cDefFunctionGlobal1 20
cDefFunctionGlobal2 233
cDefFunctionMemberMacros 10
cDefFunctionMemberStatic 380
cDefFunctionMemberInstance 2545
cDefLoader 3
cDefAdam 1848
cDefAdamStarter 5
cDefAdamScratch 2
cDefAdamArchived 34
cResource 1
cMisc 2
cMiscUnregognized 1