Understanding Soil video excerpt from the Garden Master Course

in soil •  2 years ago 

Here's a bit of a synopsis, for those who want to read along:

Understanding Soil

This excerpt covers:
What color is soil?
What do different colors of soil indicate?
What does soil smell indicate?
How can you test soil drainage?
Indicators of aerobic/anaerobic soil activity
Soil texture, including:

  • particle size
    - Loamy, good texture forms a ball but remains crumbly, feels slippery, like talcum powder (silt also feels slippery)
    - Sandy soil, when you add water, the ball falls apart and your hands get dirty, and feels gritty
    - Clay soil, when you add water and form a ball, it sticks together - even when thrown against a wall (editorial note - choose your wall carefully) and feels sticky
  • Most soils are a mixture of sand, silt, and clay
  • Most earth has layers of various types of soil
    Biological activity tests:
    Dig a hole, 1x1.5 feet and count your earthworms. You should have 6-10 during growing season (temperate)
    Examine how long it takes biological material to decompose. Faster means more active and diverse microbial activity

Check out the whole Garden Master Course here: https://gardenmastercourse.com

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