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in solar •  6 years ago 

The Truth About Christianity

I'm not writing this because I'm anti-religion, or to attack anyone who is religious, in fact, more power to you for believing in what you want. If anyone has read what I've written before they've more than likely noticed a theme, and that is when you add time travel to the equation, more things make sense. So here it is.

The truth about the bible is that not only is it partially written in code and symbology, but it's also like that "telephone" game. If you take a line of people and you start at one end whispering something into the ear of the person next to you, and they do the same, and it goes down the line, the original phrase can get distorted. That's just from a line of people. Imagine doing that for thousands of years.

The second part of it, is when you start to apply modern slang to writings and records of the past, you can start to decipher the real meaning of them. Things like "fire" and "thirst", for example, carry completely different meanings in modern slang than they do when taken literally. Not everything is slang though, it alternates between literal and slang, so if you decipher something that makes sense, then you're probably on the right track.

I'm not going to go through and take apart every bit of the bible, but I'll start with Heaven. Some people have speculated that Heaven might be symbolic of something, like it could really be the name of a planet, or maybe even a higher dimension.

The truth is Heaven is the name of Solar Warden's largest ship, called the USS Heaven. Its dimensions are measured in kilometers, and it currently holds a crew numbered in the millions, not including currently deployed ground troops. It's cloaked and in orbit, and has been there for decades.

It has all the stuff you'd think such an advanced ship would have, including things you'd see on Star Trek. In fact, the computer consoles are just like the LCARS graphical interfaces shown on The Next Generation.

It's the main hub containing one of several time machines, as well as a vast cloning facility. It has full military training facilities, as well as holodeck like areas for running simulations. It has two quantum supercomputers onboard running everything. They're actually descendants of the D-Wave machines on Earth.

It's equipped with what's referred to as a starkiller weapon. It can literally destroy suns, and its output is measured beyond yottawatts. If it's used, it's used very rarely, and is dialed down, because if it was fired at full power, the beam would literally just keep continuing out into space obliterating everything in its path even long after it was turned off.

When referring about "angels", what they're actually talking about are the crewmembers. "Fallen angels" are ground troops. A lot of shorthand is used in code and sometimes "angel" can still refer to "fallen angel".

When referring to "Hell", Hell is code for underground bases. Hell is typically depicted as a place underground, so it just makes sense. Plus a lot of work, experimentation, and research goes on down there, so "Hell" is symbolic of doing work, since work sometimes isn't always fun.

The next thing is the subject of Jesus. Yeah, he was a real flesh and blood guy at one time. What the whole thing actually was, was a psychological operation geared towards passing down some teachings to try and get you primates to behave yourselves.

The dude was a time traveler using some sleight of hand magic tricks, along with hypnosis, some covert technology, and a group of people who were in on it, to create a legendary larger than life character that would stand the test of time. Apparently it didn't work, and the teachings have been either lost, distorted, or otherwise not adhered to.

His crucifixion was all just a show. He was able to predict the date of his execution because he was in on it. He didn't actually die, so they were able to make it look like his resurrection was a miracle. His so called "ascension into Heaven" was him going back to the USS Heaven ship.

There were other attempts at similar operations that failed, some religious, some not, but I'm not going to get into them at this point, since this subject is on Christianity.

So the next part is what's referred to as the "second coming", which is an event predicted for the future. History has proven time and time again, that if you have a single leader of something, it's easy to decapitate a movement by eliminating the leadership.

So what's actually coming is not a single person, but a whole bunch of people, and it's not some religious thing, it's a military operation. What's going to happen is something like a leaderless resistance with many cells all pushing for the same goal.

Think of it like a hydra, if you try to cut one head off, two more will take its place. It's the largest and most elite covert army to ever exist. There will simply be no way to assassinate them all, and every prison in the world couldn't contain them, even if more were built. The truth is, they're not on their way, but already here. They're already integrated and have established themselves into society in plain sight, and nobody will know who is who until it's far too late.

Basically the end goal is to bring an end to hunger, poverty, homelessness, war, pollution, and get everyone to treat each other with love and respect. Think of it like cleaning house before guests come over. People have said for years that disclosure is imminent, but it doesn't seem to ever come, and wonder why aliens haven't come down en masse and made themselves known yet.

Well, just look at the place. A lot of them are terrified beyond words. Aren't you primates at least a little bit embarrassed with yourselves? Knowing what you know about people, would YOU want to come down here? They're not going to welcome humans into the so called "galactic community" until everyone gets themselves straightened out on Earth first.

Society here is very sick, and that illness simply can't be allowed to spread elsewhere. It would be a complete disaster. Especially if advanced technology got into the hands of warmongers. Hence, the Solar Warden quarantine.

Word has it that this last attempt at fixing things has worked this time, and is still going on in the future, well beyond a million years from now. From what I've heard, there hasn't been a known end to it.

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