This New Solar Paint Will Allow You to Transform Your House Into a Giant Source of Clean Energy

in solar •  7 years ago 

Researchers from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology just announced they have developed a paint that can generate hydrogen fuel from sunlight and moist air.

The paint mixes titanium oxide and synthetic molybdenum-sulphide, to create a silica gel-like mixture that absorbs energy from surrounding air. It then splits the water into hydrogen and oxygen, which can power electricity or vehicles.

“The simple addition of the new material can convert a brick wall into energy harvesting and fuel production real estate,” said lead researcher Dr. Torben Daeneke.

The team says they believe the technology will be ready to hit the market in five years or so. Daeneke believes the product will be cheap to produce and will be effective in many climates, “Any place that has water vapor in the air, even remote areas far from water, can produce fuel.”

Any surface can painted, so you can use your entire house as a source of clean energy!

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How will you collect the hydrogen ?

Amazing technology...

Yep, for sure!!!

Wow that's great news.