Solcial: Freedom of expression is a natural right that everyone should have

in solcial •  3 years ago 


Until the 20th century, science was a closed environment, inaccessible to a person without education. Scientific communities did not encourage popularization and openness, and a scientist could be deprived of membership in the club if he made the obtained scientific knowledge available to a wide audience.
In order to increase interest in science, public events began to be launched in the 70s and 80s, but to no avail: the gap between ordinary people and scientists did not narrow. The Italian sociologist Massimiano Bucchi explained this by the fact that the media often sacrifices scientificity in favor of sensationalism, which is why society has formed an inadequate idea of ​​​​science and scientists.

Social networks in our time are information nodes that have united many users on one site. For some, this is an alternative to personal meetings, for others it is a tool for maintaining social status, for others it is a working environment. Therefore, the first thing that social networks carry for the scientific community is the popularization of scientific knowledge. More and more enthusiastic popularizers appear in the scientific community, and society is interested in obtaining new knowledge. The distance between science and the audience is shrinking, and science bloggers play an important role in this.
Popularization is usually associated with traditional formats: scientific journals, books and TV shows. But now science is actively developing blogging platforms and social networks, such as Yandex.Zen, Telegram and YouTube. Popular blogs appear on the platforms, where they analyze the functions of the human immune system, talk about archeology and nuclear physics.

There are all conditions for the popularization of knowledge: in order to interest readers, it is enough for scientists to start a channel on the Internet and convey scientific information in an accessible language. “People who are interested in science should understand that any knowledge comes with difficulty. And scientists aimed at popularizing science - that for the layman it is necessary to move away from the strict formalism adopted in scientific circles, ”says Denis Yushin, author of the Science & Future blog. He clarifies that the goal of popularization is not to simplify, but to attract interest in science in general. The involvement of society in scientific life allows you to participate in the production of knowledge, and not just consume it. Now helping scientists is easy: for example, you can enter your observations into an open database that researchers will work with.

Among other things, for most people, social networks have become the main source of information. That is why many young scientists consider the active management of social networks as an integral part of their profession: this is the most accessible way to combat the misconceptions and myths that are common in society.
There are dozens of scientists and popularizers of science on the Internet that you should follow if you want to keep abreast of the latest achievements of modern science, learn more about yourself and the world around you. And also to make the relationship between different scientists, articles, theories visible. This, of course, contributes to the development of science, because we can more clearly see, for example, who and what wrote on such and such a topic in such and such a year. By the way, the existing online services are largely the implementation of the social request of these same scientists. That is, scientists influence social networks to a large extent.

However, there is also a downside to the network. Of course, there are also negative sides to network science: the law of Matthew is becoming more and more powerful. The cited venerable scientists are gaining more and more connections, their texts are all cited, and it is more difficult for new researchers to break through, because the competition is global. In addition, the content is “contaminated” with information of a different nature, including advertising, and against this background, scientific knowledge takes the form of ordinary information or spam. The third dark side of social networks is that they spread pseudo-scientific or pseudo-scientific knowledge, which again brings us back to the subject of the truth of scientific knowledge. Many problems (for example, plagiarism) are acute for science today and, oddly enough, it is engineering and technological progress that has led to such consequences.

And there are also disadvantages that can cause a lot of problems for the blog author himself. The first thing that comes to mind is that employers are increasingly looking at the profiles of job seekers on social networks and the information that authors post there can significantly influence the decision to hire or fire. In addition, a post published by negligence, an article may be a potential threat to a scientist. And here's an example: the Soviet District Court of Novosibirsk arrested Dmitry Kolker, head of the laboratory of quantum optical technologies at Novosibirsk State University, in a case of treason. The published materials contained only reference character about the principles of operation of technology and quantum-cascade lasers. The Special Unit has confirmed that the data is available for publication. However, Kolker was charged with treason.
Now imagine that at one moment your blog was blocked on the network. And also social networks take a large percentage, determine the amount of income and can remove content at their discretion. All centralized social networks are subject to this phenomenon.

Imagine if you could do what you love without fear and reproach and get paid for it. This is exactly the advantage that decentralized networks can offer. This will not only help grow the community, but monetization, which is a direct companion of decentralized networks, can also be used as a medium of exchange - patients will be able to directly reward content creators (rather than sponsoring the platform on which all the action takes place) for the work they like. , creating a mini-economy that effectively removes the middleman from the equation. Essentially, by tokenizing themselves, bloggers are inviting their fans to take part in everything they do.
Solcial is a decentralized social network that allows anyone to share content completely without permission, avoiding censorship and rewarding users and content creators at fair market value. A truly open crypto platform for social networks and monetization. So the creators of this platform promise us. Upon registration, each user will receive 1,000,000 native tokens. Where can they be used?

With these tokens, you can support the author of the material who creates high-quality content, evaluate and vote for the material that you liked the most. This will help bloggers to receive tokens for their publications.
Users will be able to earn tokens for posts, comments, curation, administration and ownership of groups.
The token can become a tool for gaining recognition from the audience. It turns out that with the help of tokens it will be much easier to monetize unique content.

So, scientists around the world are now increasingly mastering the blogosphere. For some, this is just an outlet, an attempt to brighten up working days. For others, it is a way to increase their rating and popularize science. For the third - the opportunity to exchange and share experience with colleagues. And despite the various pitfalls, social networks are an effective tool for mastering new knowledge, improving skills, writing scientific papers, expanding scientific practice, searching for information and exchanging ideas. Solcial will allow you to avoid many pitfalls and sensitive situations.


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