Homeless: How to get a postal address to assert your rights to different social assistance?

in solidarity •  7 years ago 

In France, an estimated 143,000 people are homeless. Young people are affected by the difficulty of entering the labor market, but also by families and even working people who are no longer able to pay rent.
Some administrative procedures need to be able to justify a postal address such as requesting a national identity document or simply register on the electoral lists. Similarly, the payment of social assistance requires to have a bank account which itself is subject to the possession of an identity card, so an address ...

For people who are homeless, it is possible to apply for a direct debit. Also known as "election of domicile", this approach makes it possible to obtain a postal address with social organizations (CCAS, approved associations, ...) in order to receive letters and thus assert its rights to the various social aids. Attention, this does not imply the accommodation of the person concerned. Indeed, the domiciliation makes it possible to obtain a certificate which will be taken into account by the organizations (CAF, CPAM, banks, ...). This is granted to you for a period of 1 year renewable.

Homeless: Need an address to claim your rights

The last report of the Abbé Pierre Foundation shows 4 million people in a very precarious housing situation in 2017. In addition, there are more than 12 million people who face difficulties in assuming the expenses related to the provision of housing. energy, rent ( the winter break suspends power cuts and rental evictions from November to March) ... If you wish, see our article on the Housing Solidarity Fund which is a help to facilitate the accession to housing.

The balance sheet is without appeal. Over the past 10 years, there has been a 50% increase in homelessness. What's more, an address is essential for certain administrative procedures. The Abbé Pierre Foundation publishes an annual report on "poor housing" in France, the 2017 report is available by clicking on this link .

But it is possible to obtain a postal address for "homeless people" . What is meant by this term (which is defined in Circular No. DGAS / MAS / 2008/70 of 25 February 2008 is " any person who does not have an address allowing him to receive and to consult his mail steadily ".

Obtaining a postal address for people who are homeless or stable allows :

To receive official mail
To obtain a postal address for certain procedures and services : One can quote for example the request for identity card, the RSA , the fact to register on the electoral lists or even the opening of a bank account
This concerns the majority of requests for election of domicile . For foreign nationals without a residence permit or asylum seekers, a postal address may be granted but the rights granted with the certificate will be more limited (see next paragraph).

Who is concerned with obtaining an administrative address?
To apply for a domiciliation, the homeless person must be in one of the following situations:

Live in the street
Be housed in a third person (friends, family, ...) without housing to his name
Being housed in a temporary home
Get out of prison and have no housing in his name or emergency shelter
Be of foreign nationality and have a valid residence permit
Being from the European Union, a member country of the European Economic Area (EEA) or Swiss nationality
To be of foreign nationality and not to possess a residence permit: In this case the election of domicile can be carried out in order to obtain only Legal Aid and State Medical Aid ( AME )

  1. Where to apply for election of domicile: CCAS or association?
    For those wishing to apply for a direct debit, it is possible to contact various organizations authorized to receive requests for domiciliation.

The CCAS or the CCIAS for the grouping of commune
A non-profit organization that undertakes actions against exclusion: We can notably mention the Red Cross or Emmaus. Similarly, some local associations may be authorized to receive requests for the election of domicile
An institution providing emergency services for people in difficulty
To know all the accredited bodies authorized to receive requests for domiciliation, the prefect established a list which is available from the town hall of your municipality . Find all the useful addresses here .

Note : It is not possible to apply for a domiciliation with CAF . She is not licensed to handle this type of request.

  1. The applicant must have a link with the municipality
    People without a fixed address can not make an application for an address for service to any municipality. For this, she must have a "link" . Concretely it means:

The applicant resides (regardless of the mode of accommodation) in the municipality at the time of the domiciliation: You may be asked for an accommodation contract, a certificate CAF, ... It is possible to justify by many means.
The applicant works in the municipality
The applicant follows (or is in the process of being) an integration program in the municipality
The applicant has family in the municipality
The applicant has dependent minor children schooled in the municipality

  1. Fill in the form for homeless
    In order to submit your application to an approved center or association, you must complete the form called in the administrative jargon Cerfa 15548 * 01 . It consists of a single sheet with a part reserved for the applicant (surname, first name, date of birth, ...) and the other for the organization in charge of the application.

To obtain the application form, several possibilities are offered :

Either download it directly on this link
Directly to authorized organizations: Help will be provided if needed
When filing, a mandatory interview is agreed with the applicant. Attention, the organization that has received the request has 2 months to express in writing the acceptance of the domiciliation or the reasons for the refusal .

Opinion favorable or unfavorable to the election of domicile
Before the end of the period of 2 months from the filing of the application, a favorable or unfavorable opinion must be notified to the applicant for the election of domicile.

Favorable opinion : A certificate is given to the homeless person. It shall contain the name and address of the body giving rise to the acceptance, the date of issue and the aid for which the certificate acts as admissible proof. It is valid for a period of 1 year renewable . The procedure is the same as for a first request.
Adverse opinion : The reason for refusal in this case will be in the great majority of cases will be that the link between the municipality and the applicant has not been established. In this case, the applicant will be referred to another organization able to accept the application (other municipality).
In case of dispute or disagreement on the decision that has been made, it is possible to get help from institutions like " the defender of rights ". Similarly, the non-profit associations present in the town can help you even if they are not authorized for domiciliation.

End of right to the certificate of domiciliation: The valid reasons
At the end of the period of one year, the certificate of domiciliation is no longer valid. If the applicant does not try to renew it, it will be refused by the various organizations. But it may end before that time for any of the following reasons:

The applicant wishes to terminate it
The applicant now has a stable and durable home
The applicant did not show up (physically or by telephone) to the organization where the domiciliation is done for at least 3 months. This radiation is not valid for hospitalized or incarcerated persons

Domiciliation for asylum seekers: A specific procedure
For asylum seekers, the reception is done by one of the 10 reception points of France Terre d'Asile present on the territory.

Present in Paris, Créteil, Caen, Rouen, Calais, Bordeaux, Laval, Toulon, Evreux and Saint-Lô
They welcome migrants of all origins all year round, guide them and accompany them to assert their rights. To find out more about their missions, visit their website .

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