Solutions and why people are so easily fooled

in solutions •  8 years ago 

1. The insensitivity that comes as a result of very traumatic child/babyhoods is the main  reason why so many people are so easily fooled by tyrannical parasitical bankers and politicians.and into internall fights instead of going together and take down the two big enemies of mankind, centralbanks and governments In the case of USA of course the “Deep State “: The western worlds military-industrial complex, Pentagon, CIA, US Federal Reserve/Wall Street megabanks and their Secret Societies like Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderberger group, Trilateral commission and others.  

2. The second very strong reason why so many people are so easily fooled by tyrannical parasitical bankers and politicians is indoctrination and PR in mainstream media ans schoolsystems. The major bankingfamilies owns and controls almost the entire western world mainstream presstitute media and very much of the school and university educations. It is sort of difficult to accept that the world around us really is that evil. We would have wished that “our politicians” were noble, gentle and unselfish. Reality is that intellectual psychopaths and severely damaged narcissists controls the major political systems in the western world. The worst psychopaths are obviously within the USA “Deep State”: They prduce war after war after war and steal trillions for their black budgets. Read or see Catherine Austin Fitts and learn about the subject! 

3.  Most “ordinary people” can not identify with how psychopathic/psychotic people think and reason. They just refuse to accept that people really can be that evil. See or read Robert the real expert on psychopaths. Even worse is to accept that these people - the very worst people on this planet, the intellectually talented psychopaths – really are the people who runs and owns the global moneysystem: Fractional reserve banking with central banks, most importantly the privately owned US centralbank “US Federal Reserve”. These people are the slavemasters of the world.

There is a lack of understanding of how the world is functioning. In my opinion it is impossible to understand our world without understanding...  

4. Why people become psychopaths (ruthless, no empathy... Almost all of peoples emotional pain, including psychopathy, psychosis, depressions, fobias, neurosis, etc., comes from repressed emotional traumas and pain from early baby and childhood. 2.That „our“ money/bankingsystem, where bankers create money out of nothing, lends out ten times this and charges interest on these loans, is a gigantic betrayal and slavery.  

5… that the owners of the large banks (largely = the bankingsystem) owns the war industry and controls the political systems/parties through their enormous moneypower, centralbanks, indirect bribes, lobbying etc.    

6… that mainstream media hides most of the important truths about our societies, the bankingsystem, democracy, energy, health and more.   

7… that Western Parlamentarian „Democracy“ is a betrayal and has little to do with real democracy: As Carroll Quigley once said: „Western Parlamenmentarian Democracy is the, so far, best way of getting the masses believing in that they decide over anything important in society“: Reality is that all parties in Western Parlamentarian Democracies has the same main agenda: High taxes, increased government control, more laws and regulations, increased oligopolistic teamwork between governments, large banks and large companies, more and more control from over governmental institutions like EU, UN. And TTIP, TTP, Climate-tax-agreements. All in direction towards Dictatorical Fascist Bank-led World Government.  

8… that psychopaths and narcissists in the megabanks, multinational companies, warindustry and governments are ruling and running the world. A quote from G Edward Griffin: „ The power to govern is a magnet to the predator class. That’s why it is common for governments to become criminal syndicates“: If psychopaths did not run the world we would not have a bankingsystem that enslaves the masses and creates perpetual wars for profit!   

9…that there are solutions:   The ongoing quite new epi-genetics research gives solid proof that not only genetics matter, but the onset and the expression of the genes matters very much for our wellbeing and health and that love and care very much influences this. Art Janovs long time controversial Primal Therapy seem to enjoy physiological proof of that „feeling“ old repressed pain sometimes changes epigenetic-caused diseases, that is adults can really be helped by re-living „old pains“. In my view that is fantastic news.   

Examples of solutions: So when it comes to long-time radical solutions I put Janovs Primal Therapy first. Frederick leBoyers birthmethod and extreme carefulness during pregnancy are other basic solutions. Then absolutely local currencies, gold, silver, cryptocurrencies, high levels of selfsuffiency, buying local, using friends and family. Further Swiss type of direct democracy and much more of common sense. Start to USE Bitcoin. Get your friends and family to use Bitcoin. If you have integrity, try to walk away from the system in a peaceful way! Do not buy anything from your enemies (multinational companies, centralbanks, large banks and governments! They are not worth your respect or attention. The Freedomfest in Las Vegas, Ed Griffins Red Pill and Jeff Berwicks Anarchapulco are great projects. Likeminded people, freedom minded people need to get together rather than fight about our relatively minor differences.  

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