INFLAMING INFECTIOUS INNATE IMMUNITY INVISIBLE INCOMING: invaders, invidious impulses of toxic thoughts that are things to traveling through timetables, taught tong twisted terminologies. Truths and untruths tightly tied together. Co-creating slower lower vibration frequencies. Waveform and wavelengths that are warmongerswicked witchcraft and wrongdoers wizardry. The longstanding lies of leading liars that are mass media marketing mindsets, (Mental-Virons =mind viruses), mesmerizing mantras maiming mentalities, and matrix maze maintained. Most messages are sent subliminally and silently, yet they're surely sinister and surreptitious. So sickening showing superficial surface skin symptoms and severe suffering. Of subjected societies. Systems that were built upon a bunch of baseless bogus beliefs, and now today it implodes and comes crashing in on childbirth certified U.S. Citizens as commoners collective contacting “Coronavirus-COVID-19” Contagion-curses. CHARLES’ CoronaColor-CODE-09 Cures comes to cleanse and correct criminal corruption and culinary cultural contamination and corrosion. Concisely and consummately!
SON of SOLARSUN: Solemnly says, strictly states Stop-Point-Blank-Period. Purposely producing private prisons, predatory profiteers =$$$, and psychopathic politicians; parasitic prescription pill poisons, polluted potions by pharmaceutical physicians, paranoia pathetic petty patrol precinct police, CHARLES’ CoronaColor-CODE-09 Cures, counter-combats, criminally corrupt Caucasians corroboration corporation companies, constantly co-creating and criminally concocting, combustible civic conditions, causing “Coronavirus-COVID-19” contagions. Congestive coughs and common colds conversions, coronary complications, Helpless homeless humans, sleeping out on the inner-city streets of urban areas all across; North-America United States Sociopath Saxon Sex Slavers Satanic sinking ‘shave-ship’.Surely it is gonna be a long hot sun-shining slaving summer!
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