Didn't get the grade you wanted
It doesn't even matter
Had to skip that vital lesson
It doesnt even matter
Make yourself ill to pass a test?
All you feel is pressure
Strive to be better than the rest
No one likes a quitter
Set yourself up for the fall
Trying to achieve it all
But in the end it doesn't even matter
The system has us where it wants us
We waste our lives trying to win
Being the best is called success
The reality is that competition divides us
Being first doesn't make you better than any one of us
Being first is nothing but inheritance
and lots of hard work
They tell us to be ambitious
So we're chasing dreams that dont fulfill, because of this
We won't build our empires,
And they hope we never will
Our souls are empty our houses we have things, we spend our lifes collecting things,
To get approval from our fake friends
We soon forget about all our shiny things
While we enrich the ruling kings
No one cares
All careers are fucking pointless
Except the doctors and the nurses
and the heroes that truly serve us
We are trapped in a cycle of being better than the rest
And better than before
We are missing what's important
We can see what's wrong but choose to ignore our deepest thoughts
But fuck all that! Check out the new phone, I just bought!