After more than two years spent skirting around the issue, Charlie Puth finally confirmed he dated Selena Gomez during a recent cover story interview with Billboard. The two first spurred rumors back in 2016 when they released "We Don't Talk Anymore," a breathy breakup duet from Puth's debut studio album, Nine Track Mind. The song quickly prompted fans to speculate if they'd been hooking up behind scenes, but both Gomez and Puth repeatedly denied they were anything more than friends.
UPDATE: A source told People on Thursday that Gomez "never dated" Puth, despite his comments to Billboard. Bustle reached out to Gomez's rep for clarification, but did not receive an immediate response.
EARLIER: "We're [not dating], that's for sure," Gomez told E! News in January 2016 after she and Puth posted a SnapChat video of them party-hopping after the Golden Globes. A few months later, Puth said on 94.7 Fresh FM's The Tommy Show, "We did a song together and people think that there's more, but we just musically collaborated."
Now, however, the 26-year-old singer is changing his tune, and while it sounds like whatever they had together was brief, it had quite the impact on Puth. As he told Billboard,