[2020-6-30-18-14-45] [Derivative 1] | A New Original Song created by To the Sun

in songwriting •  4 years ago 

My AI has captured a new morsel of audio. It's intelligence grows day by day. Why not have a listen and let me know if it's any good? Please be kind, as my young pupil here is still learning the delicate art of constructing a song from a much larger jam session.

The Amanuensis is an automated songwriting and recording system aimed at ridding the process of anything left-brained, so one need never leave a creative, spontaneous and improvisational state of mind, from the inception of the song until its final master. The program will construct a cohesive song structure, using the best of what you give it, looping around you and growing in real-time as you play. All you have to do is jam and fully written songs will flow out behind you wherever you go.

A more in-depth tutorial can be found in the Readme at https://github.com/to-the-sun/amanuensis
All songs produced are automatically uploaded to https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS0ekF80gz5_33_ejo17jNDPUZS_OAG2Q (and sometimes also http://soundcloud.com/to_the_sun)
Support the ongoing education of this young and developing artificial mind at https://www.patreon.com/to_the_sun

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