Robots are at long last taking our employments. Which is great since people, I am getting worn out. Keep in mind Sophia the robot? Indeed, a comparable robot named Erica (who has a standout amongst the most exceptional manufactured discourse frameworks on the planet) is going to assume control over somebody's activity in Japan. What's the activity this robot is taking from a dedicated human? A newscaster.
It's hard to believe, but it's true. A genuine person is being supplanted with a phony individual. I can't envision what it resembles to be supplanted by a robot.
The maker of Erica, Dr. Ishiguro has been endeavoring to get her on TV since 2014. Indeed, didn't he fortunes out, in light of the fact that this isn't only a TV appearance... it's an all day work. Is it accurate to say that they are paying her? Talking about cash, it does not shock anyone that Erica costs a great deal of cash to make. She originates from one of the most astounding supported science programs in Japan. Presently, it's the ideal opportunity for unpleasant certainties about Erica.
Creepy Fact #1: She is can’t move her arms but she can figure out where a sound is coming from and knows who is asking her a question.
Creepy Fact #2: She has 14 infrared sensors and face recognition technology.
Creepy Fact # 3: Erica’s creator also refers to himself as her father.
Okay. That’s enough creepy facts.
Erica's maker stated: "Making androids is tied in with investigating being human, analyzing the subject of what is feeling, what is mindfulness, what is considering."