Leaderboard Stats
Table show GW264 and the previous 3 week-end GW Leaderboard Stats, with % variation between next and prev. It lists, for each competition: Name, Rewards number, Partecipants number, Partecipants number variation from previous week-end GW, Treshold, Treshold variation from previous week-end GW.
Tier3 or top Prize Treshold
This chart shows, for each competition, the minimum score needed by a team to win a Tier3 or top Prize.
Tier2 or top Prize Treshold
This chart shows, for each competition, the minimum score needed by a team to win a Tier2 or top Prize.
Tier1 or top Prize Treshold
This chart shows, for each competition, the minimum score needed by a team to win a Tier1 or top Prize.