Plans Are In Place To Take Down The Entire Central Banking Apparatus - Episode 1671a

in soros •  6 years ago 

Soros makes his move, tries to get the EU to revoke article 50 to stop the BREXIT. The yield curve is approaching the critical area of inversion. Once the yield curve hits this point the country goes into a recession. History shows us that each time that this happens we enter a recession. Trump and the BRICS are on the same page, the WTO is now being attacked and the policies of this organization will be changed or the WTO will not longer exist. The central bank is in the process of being taken down.

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How can we profit from this inevitable rise in interest rates?


► The Trump - Mnuchin plan to seize assets globally seizes only from non Rothschild - Black Nobility banks while ignoring the crimes of the Federal Reserve System and banks. So if you are planning to use the U.S. Treasury in your plan, as most such plans do, it will fail. Trump is blocking US and all countries from minting their own currencies free of the banking cartel, as per the plan explained by Karen Hudes in her Youtube videos and accompanying PDF files. Trump is being bossy towards Karen and attempting to bully her around and is thus OBSTRUCTING US FROM MINTING OUR NEW CURRENCIES FREE OF THE BANKING CARTEL!

This is one HUGE PROBLEM IN AMERICA - Trump is blocking us from minting our own new currency free of the banking cartel! Trump has become beligerant with the Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility and is trying to boss her around. He is acting as an agent of the banking cartel and attempting to keep us enslaved to the Rothschild - Black Nobility Banking Cartel. Trump is trying to boss around and order the Overseer Mandate Trustee to obey the desires of the banking cartel. TRUMP IS THUS PREVENTING US FROM BECOMING FREE OF THE BANKING CARTEL! TRUMP, A JESUIT CHABAD MEMBER, HAS SOLD-OUT TO ISRAEL AND TO THE BANKING CARTEL AND IS AN AGENT OF DECEPTION, ATTEMPTING TO MAINTAIN AMERICA AND THE WORLD SLAVE TO THE BANKING CARTEL.

Trump, Mnuchin collusion with the banking cartel exposed here:

The U.S. National Debt can be paid-off over-night by Trump with the stroke of a pen!! Why does Trump not act? No need for a collapse if he does this!

Dave sound redundant .