Exceedingly Sorry

in sorry •  7 years ago 

My eyes were a little bigger than my stomach this week.

I have been preoccupied with a lot of other things, and the blog post I was planning for this Monday has to be put off another week.

But You Know what That Means

It means I have to leave you with another funny thing I found on the internet.

Which is convenient, because I found another great one just this week.

What have I got for you today? Well, we all know that the only redeemable quality about the Star Wars prequels was their soundtrack, composed by the peerless John Williams. And many people point to his famous "Duel of the Fates" as a great example of his work.

But did you ever stop to ask yourself what lyrics the choir in "Duel of the Fates" is actually singing?

This video reveals all:


Once again, sorry for the delay. Have a wonderful week.

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That would be great and you know without reading an article of your the week feel like this! I am going to share it via a meme!


@talanhorne - Sir this video is too funny... If you have no time to write as you do, no matter Sir, this always helps... I like it... Nice you decided to share it Sir...


Great way to put us in standard 😂😂 ,, well we will eait for it .. until the next weekthen

Wow...such a wonderfful and interesting pisting idea by @talanhorne sir...
Actualy I think u have different posting ideas...funny video again...
Wel done and execellent work my dear friend...

This image explains how I feel about this video. Nice one~

Wonderful video my dear friend.

Wel done and execellent work my dear friend...
Upvote and Resteem

Your eyes eat than your stomach then lol

Never understud the words when I listened to this kind of music. Now I do. Always when I listen to this in the future I will hear “Corn, coke, soda, catalog, new track...Xenia, Gabriel... I guess I missed some. ”

Looool me to the some thing happend to me lool.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Excellent video and not when I did not think that for the voice of Star Wars, it takes so many people. It turns out that the whole orchestra and the choir have produced a voice acting, and I thought that everything is doing a computer, ha ha :) Thank you @talanhorne

Excellent , Great post. @talanhorne
Upvote Resteem

You are a good person to write.your ideas
This is great article.
(((((( Resteem service)))))

Good writing, thanks.@talanhorne
Upvote Resteem

haha that's something i very often don't see but thanks for sharing it bro

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

So funny but i learned what the lyric says and i didn't know it hehehe. Regards friend

It take few secs to identify it :D
SODA CATALOG NEW TRUCK CHOLA :) That's very funny :)

wow, a very popular post, I am very interested in posting @talanhorne.

posting a very good friend, I am very interested in your post,

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oh this is so funny sir :)

heheehe that's one of the best post in recent times lol quite amazing

good post friends, I love it, I restem ya.

Mr. Magoo found these accounts are suspicious & can be multi accounts of a single owner. Conclusion is based on last 30 days transactions: Mr. Magoo
Check our latest multi comment spam update report

very good post my friend .. I really like the same post you friend ..

Congratulations @talanhorne
Now you are in the MinnowsPower Loyalty Member List...!!!

Exceptional funny video shared...!!!

20% Upvoted by @MinnowsPower

First of all, thank you for your efforts. it is interesting tv series and great work.And you are very good at writing articles.
100% like and resteem

it's too funny music, you made my day. nice sharing. @talanhorne


Great post . wonderful experience @talanhorne

For your post propagation.

Hello @talanhorne,

Extraordinary good funny video & take your time, take a rest before the next incredible article of yours.


It's ok @talanhorne. We can wait long term for you. Nice video stuff.

Wonderful this was awesome to see thanks for sharing : )

Excellent song of Duel of the Fates. Well said but no need to forgive us.
Great week.

You're a good knowledge person about writing and it's very difficult.
Your job is excellent topic.
Thanks @talanhorne
Have a nice day

@talanhorne, As me no worries needed. I know you're busy and need to be good health for post article. You can put it next time. I have no idea what do your next? Trying to take some idea. However You'll success from any stories.

That is indeed sure great buddy and feels pretty great to go through the video !

Great post :D
HAHAH i always though was something cleaver and smart :D

İt is wonderful. You are awesome @talanhorneDQmaUNt1gVETZXCNQTMAeQvE48GAa7KHa9cQa3jjgzPnpAq.gif

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

nice post super video sir tnx for share..


good writing and nice video. I likes your post.thanks for sharing
resteem and upvote

@talanhorne Great One ^_^ Hhhh Deferent Words , Foods , animals , cars , Girls Name .. Jesus , dracula hhh Anime , Movie actor :)

He he so funnyU5dsefUBquQKKekazU4im96oQ99XmTB_1680x8400.jpg

hahahh so good :) @talanhorne

super post really nice and smart post...


Ha ha interesting ,Foods , animals , cars , Girls Name, Corn, coke, soda, catalog.so funnyIMG_20180206_082204.jpg

This is a great post..I live the post.

Nice writing contents, Good job i am first time reading your post So nice I follow you and say thanks for sharing I am going to visit to your blog I wish you also visit my blog Thank you so much
I wish you all the best

how cool was that video to see :)

funny but really great prefprmance haha thank youhave a wonderful weekend too

wow thats like a great story..
i like your writing..i like your every post sir..
verry interestingi story...
i am read your post first to last...
resteem your post sir...
thanks for sharing sir...@talanhorne

First of all, I'm sorry for posting this week's post. It is pleasant to read your writings.

I knew John Williams is a master composer but his mastery of the English language and visualization in his lyrics is just too deep to comprehend......simply breathtaking.

Great work i like your way of writing . I resteem it.

this week just got better lol thanks for sharing @talanhorne

found once again a great content to post thanks you for sharing it love it

hahah i really hope those eyes are back to normal :D

don't worry i will always came out to check your post even though you are very busy :) but whenever you come you come up with something great and today was no different once again you shared the best only :)


that was quite melodious hahah

Composer John williams is great, I was a fan of her. ..

Post to remind gratitude

it really turned out to be more amazing than i thought

Good post, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste :D greetings

thank you for excellent post sir...

The wonderful and interesting posting

nice post. love to read it.
thanks for sharing

Woww... Its great post

a very popular post sir I am very interested for this post you share this
thanks @talanhorne

Oh great post!